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How Do You Script Races?


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I'm sure some of you read about how I was complaining that I couldn't make any of my modded races playable, and I couldn't figure out why. Well, now I know the problem. I need to script the races, but I have no idea how, and I can't find any good tutorials anywhere. Can someone help me?
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I have never heard of "Scripting a race." There is a checkbox in the race dialog box to make it "Playable". And, the mod you use to create this race must be active.


If you can post your mod somewhere, like rapidshare, I will take a look at it. But, I am not an expert on custom races.

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All your custom races worked fine for me :thumbsup:


When I opened your mod, I noticed that the first line has a race with a blank ID and a blank name. I did not try to play it like that. I gave it a placeholder ID and name, so that may have been the problem.


All I can say, is make sure your mod is activated under the Data Files menu of the Oblivion Launcher.


I am not a huge fan of Argonians or Kajiit, so I cannot give you any meaningful feedback on what I think of your custom races.

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