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Stick Figure Armor


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As I recall you have to retrieve the swords from NPC's with stick armor. I think all you have to do is make that armor playable.


The only nif's present in that mod are of the sword so I do not think the armor if present in the mod could be made playable :confused:

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There ain't no stick armor in my "Stick Figure Swords" mod. As the description says, "The infamous Naked Stick Figure Bandit gang has reached Tamriel and must be stopped."


They are just regular NPCs without clothing but are brandishing powerful stick swords.


I have not seen a stick figure race or stick figure armor yet...would be easy to create the armor though...just wrap boxes around the human skeleton...wha-la. Done.


EDIT: And no, I'm not doing it. I won't get side-tracked from working on the glass mod.



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I am making another armor already.

This will take half an hour max.

I am making another armor!

Yes, but you needed a break from it anyway.

But, but but



Yes, this thread caused me to argue with myself. Gimme half an hour :P

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Make sure you have enough polys at all the joints for smooth flexing....then again, if they are just solid black textures, it won't be too obvious.
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