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Morrowind Graphics Extender

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I have given this file my endorsement.


It took me about an hour to install this properly, to make sure I had the right directx files and .net 2.0 etc... I did run into a few problems along the way, but I got it working and tired it out. My jaw dropped at how much more beautiful Morrowind is now. Excellent job!!!!

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I have a problem with "MGE", I got it downloaded and all and it runs fine but now I can't start Morrowind... I'm using WIN7 Professional and my specs are--- 111 GB with only 24.1 left to spare,


Processor: 4.4


Memory (RAM): 4.5


Graphics: 2.4


Gaming Graphics: 3.1


Primary hard disc: 4.9



BASE SCORE: 2.4 (determined by lowest subscore)


This is using the Windows Rating System and by checking my memory in the Computer incon in the start menu... The problem is that Morrowind (on start) will immediately stop and say the following *MORROWIND HAS STOPPED WORKING Windows is checking for a solution to the problem* It never did this before I installed MGE so could someone please explain to me my problem and how to fix it... *Please Respond*

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I have been finicking with this mod for a few months now trying to get it to work, and no matter what I do it never works. I have manually installed it, and in game there was no change. I used the installer to install it, no change in game. I will click best quality in the mge program, and it will indeed change the settings but no appearance change in game. All the MGE files are in my morrowind programs files folder. I am running on Win7 34 bit OS. I really don't understand why this mod doesn't work...any thoughts?
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I am using this to allow console commands on

Windows 7. I made tab console commands which is nice but my '/" button was replaced with ;/: and i am unsure how to fix that. I suspect macro editor will help but im unsure what to do.

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This is a very old version of MGE. The new host place for project is sorceforge now and it is very different from this one with tons of bugs fixed and added new features.


Please seek for help in official BGS Forums. Search for a MGE thread, it is always in development so you will find in first 2 pages likely. I think nobody checks here. (You're lucky that I checked! :))


I will give you links for sourceforge page, and current MGE thread, here.






And wiki



Please at least read the FAQ in official thread. Or you can use wiki to learn about MGE features.


All prerequisites are especially needed. They are common system updates that other advanced games ask you to install too, like directx, .net, vc2008 redistributable. And MGEGui checks those before running. You better have them. :)

Directx 9 is not a part of Directx 10-11. So you have to install it even you have Directx 11. All links provided are for latest versions, so you are not getting some distant rare files but the latest software out there. :)


One common problem is, when users try to run MGE without going into game first. Before installing MGE, make sure to run game at least once. This will create Morrowind's registry settings which MGEgui checks with directx, .net when first run.


If you have x64 Windows, there is a registry conflict that makes it harder for MGEgui to find those settings, you have to run Morrowind as administrator once and also after installing MGE, run MGEgui as administrator too. Otherwise you will only get a simple crash.


After running MGEgui, it only tooks 10 minutes to set it correctly which is just selecting your graphic options such as resolution, AA, AF and creating distant land. Distant land creation is pretty straightforward. Start with default values.


You can find additional information for shaders and MGE mods in the wiki. There are excellent grass mods that requires MGE, which you can find in PES and nexus.


Also when to report bugs and problems use Official threads(I said that, ;)), you may find latest features from there. Include your specs, as video card model(Geforce 7200,(MGE won't run with it!)) and operating system(windows 7 x64).


That is all.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am having trouble with running MGE 3.8.2 rev.0145 on a Windows 7 64-bit box running Morrowind through Steam. I keep getting an error that it can't find the registry keys, and that I should run the game at least once before I open it. Obviously I have done this, as I have a saved game with 6hrs currently on it. I am fully up to date as of this post with windows updates that include Visual C++ 2008 and the other necessary requirements. Any ideas?
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Once again, if you have any problems please ask for help on the official threads, as this thread is not that active. Link: http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1088291-morrowind-graphics-extender-mge/


Make sure you read the intro post, before posting your problem, as it could have the answer to your problem in it.



Also, when seeing new threads, try to make a habit of reading the first couple of posts, and the last couple of posts, as they could have the answer to some of your questions.

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