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Morrowind Graphics Extender

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all i get after doing EXACTLY what the wiki says and start the game is this:

"Error: MGE is not configured. Please run MGEgui to configure it before launching Morrowind."

(i have a morrowind.ini and the reg-entries)

i run MGEgui.exe, change settings to my liking and close it (as told in the wiki) and when i start morrowind.exe i get the same error again.

i have downloaded and installed all the required applications and files, so where's the problem?

also to all folks on all the nexus-sites: STOP TALKING IN ABBREVIATIONS ALL THE TIME! "reguires latest SVN" <---what's an SVN and where do i get it?!

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Okay I'm definately a newb at morrowind (im starting my first game now) and I wanted to use the MGE because I come from Oblivion , and wanted to have some of that graphical beauty here. But when I use this, really the graphics look the same. Are you suppossed to alt-tab out of the game and use the accelerator? Basically what Im asking is how can I get the best graphics out of morrowind using this program. thanks
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My distant land creator says it encountered a fatal error any way to fix this? here is what my distant land crash dump says "Error in the application.


at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Effect.FromFile(Device device, String sourceDataFile, Macro[] preprocessorDefines, Include includeFile, String skipConstants, ShaderFlags flags, EffectPool pool, String& compilationErrors)

at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Effect.FromFile(Device device, String sourceDataFile, Include includeFile, String skipConstants, ShaderFlags flags, EffectPool pool)

at MGEgui.DirectX.CellTexCreator..ctor(Int32 Res)

at MGEgui.DistantLand.DistantLandForm.workerCreateTextures(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)

at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e)

at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object argument)"

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Hi, I need help. I've often D.Led Oblivion mods but this is my first Morrowind mod D.L. When I Down loaded it it came up with something and would'nt let me play Morrowind unless I uninstalled it.


Plz Help :D

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