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Morrowind Graphics Extender

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How high do you think the M11xR1 could push this thingy? Currently using it with my p4 6800gs system so im pretty sure itll do better than that :P
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As a developer looking for a specific feature, how would I overload file file open functions used by Morrowind? I was looking for a unionFS for windows so mods could be managed easier. Have there been any other Morrowind mod that overloads file loading?
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a problem with enabling 'Hardware Shader' under the 'Render State' tab...


I've followed the instructions for using MGE, and on a previous install had it working great with only distant land. Now I'm trying to add some shaders, etc. as per http://knotstheinane.blogspot.com/p/morrowind-modding-guide.html . I've gotten up to toggling the 'Hardware Shader' option, but when I do that and launch Morrowind, the screen is zoomed in on what I think is the top left corner, and it looks really weird (like gamma is turned up or something). I'm having trouble getting a screenshot, and I can't really describe it any better. I have an ATI card, and I think I read somewhere that they may have problems with gamma, but I'm not sure about the zoom thing. Does this sound familiar to anyone?


Thanks in advance.





EDIT: Apparently I was using the wrong version of MGE. I'm guessing the shaders were not compatible with my older release. Sorry about that. Please ignore my post.

Edited by MrVoila
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I prefer my Morrowind vanilla but with widescreen res and distant land, how do I go about using MGE without the new water textures and shaders, deleting the files from my data folder seems to incapacitate distant land entirely ?


If possible, and in the spirit of MGE*s customization, it would be great to be able to choose yourself whether you want changed water or not, as you can with all other aspects of the tool.



Thank you for your time.

Edited by Angantyr1
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Doesn't work.

How do I uninstall it?


EDIT: Found the uninstaller (in the start menu... people actually use that damn thing?), now the game crashes every time I try to run morrowind.exe (Render Creation Error: "").

I killed off the 2 .dlls in accordance with the help file.


The game was working fine before I installed MGE.

Edited by Therilith
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