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Redguard Or Nord?

Counter Shock

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Blade, Block, Heavy Armor, Athletics, Restoration, Marksman, and Destruction


^Would these skills be better for a Redguard or Nord?



totally a nord, if u ask me bcause nords are better melee/mage characters out of the 2 and nords have skill bonuses for 4 of ur 7 major skills when the redguard have only 3 :D

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Blade, Block, Heavy Armor, Athletics, Restoration, Marksman, and Destruction


^Would these skills be better for a Redguard or Nord?

I have many of those same skills on a Breton. Works fine by me.


Go by way of personality, not mechanics. It's more fun that way.

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Also need to remember, having higher skills in your main skills at the beginning will limit how high you can level at the end. Sure, it makes it a bit easier, but long term is more important. By being slightly weaker, you also learn to fight better, and raise your weapon skills faster.
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You don't see the point in CharGen, do you? It's no to get the most powerful race, it's to get the race that you think looks best. However, if you think a Redguard or Nord looks good, than that's the race you should use. However, if you're an Argonian, it will make a certain master trainer quest easier.
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You don't see the point in CharGen, do you? It's no to get the most powerful race, it's to get the race that you think looks best. However, if you think a Redguard or Nord looks good, than that's the race you should use. However, if you're an Argonian, it will make a certain master trainer quest easier.


We get that, but I think Counter shock knows what he likes best. If you use the OP, it's a mechanics question:



Blade, Block, Heavy Armor, Athletics, Restoration, Marksman, and Destruction


^Would these skills be better for a Redguard or Nord?


It mentions skills, which is clearly a mechanics question. We are just providing advice, as the player already knows what he has taste in as far as the style of certain races.

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