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Stuck - Cannot Move, Attack, or Cast. Can only jump?!


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The rest of the npcs run around fine, but after loading up almost every save I had today I am stuck in place. My chracter stands stiff, and can jump, but cannot run/walk, attack, draw blade, attack or anything like that.


Tips on how to fix this?


I've been having this same problem, and the only solution I've found is to look up the FormID of a friendly NPC, type "player.moveto 'FormID'" into the console, then enter a conversation with them. Once I exit the conversation, I can move normally again. Of course, it's only a temporary solution, as it can (and does) happen again.


I wish it worked for me, but I have tried it after finding your topic through a search, and it doesn't work for me unfortunately.

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Only way to fix this is console devcodes, IE, if this is on PS3 or Xbox 360, it's permanent.


First, try ~ *click yourself* then enableplayercontrols


then try ~ *double click somewhere other than on yourself, make sure nothing is selected at top-screen, then TFC, move ahead, place yourself near the ground, and then press ~ and TFC again.


If that doesnt work, you've got something REALLY wrong, and will probably have to re install. When you re install, delete your mods and then your INI(it's in My Documents-bethesda-Oblivion) and then re install.


Finaly, if all else fails, run BOSS..


If all this fails delete everything you can possibly find that's to do with Oblivion, and for our sakes, post your load order.


Again, if this is on a games console, that character is done for, though you can try clearing the cache on 360 by going back to the dashboard, then pressing and holding A for 30 seconds. I had a terminal glitch in Ace Combat 6 that I solved with this.

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Only way to fix this is console devcodes, IE, if this is on PS3 or Xbox 360, it's permanent.


First, try ~ *click yourself* then enableplayercontrols


then try ~ *double click somewhere other than on yourself, make sure nothing is selected at top-screen, then TFC, move ahead, place yourself near the ground, and then press ~ and TFC again.


If that doesnt work, you've got something REALLY wrong, and will probably have to re install. When you re install, delete your mods and then your INI(it's in My Documents-bethesda-Oblivion) and then re install.


Finaly, if all else fails, run BOSS..


If all this fails delete everything you can possibly find that's to do with Oblivion, and for our sakes, post your load order.


Again, if this is on a games console, that character is done for, though you can try clearing the cache on 360 by going back to the dashboard, then pressing and holding A for 30 seconds. I had a terminal glitch in Ace Combat 6 that I solved with this.


I will give this a shot right now. I am not sure what some of those command lines are you were recommending, but I will see if I can figure it out.

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Only way to fix this is console devcodes, IE, if this is on PS3 or Xbox 360, it's permanent.


First, try ~ *click yourself* then enableplayercontrols


then try ~ *double click somewhere other than on yourself, make sure nothing is selected at top-screen, then TFC, move ahead, place yourself near the ground, and then press ~ and TFC again.


If that doesnt work, you've got something REALLY wrong, and will probably have to re install. When you re install, delete your mods and then your INI(it's in My Documents-bethesda-Oblivion) and then re install.


Finaly, if all else fails, run BOSS..


If all this fails delete everything you can possibly find that's to do with Oblivion, and for our sakes, post your load order.


Again, if this is on a games console, that character is done for, though you can try clearing the cache on 360 by going back to the dashboard, then pressing and holding A for 30 seconds. I had a terminal glitch in Ace Combat 6 that I solved with this.


I will give this a shot right now. I am not sure what some of those command lines are you were recommending, but I will see if I can figure it out.



TFC WILL let me move the camera around, but I am not sure how to move/place my character with it.

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You cant, the purpose of TFC as a test is to make sure it's not a control issue.


This is pretty definitely a game issue if you can TFC about.


I would thus recomend coc-ing yourself to an NPC or placeatme-ing an npc to you, then talking with them.


This is an example: ~ *click you* -> placeatme -> AED40 1


Then the Adoring Fan will come charging to the rescue and you can talk to him, this SHOULD fix your problem. if not, I'm probably no use as help-that would make it the mother of all stuck bugs.


But also, try deleting your INI before you try all this. It's in My Documents under Bethesda-Oblivion, delete the INI and create a new one by starting Oblivion again(it auto writes a new one) this may help-it often does for me.

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  • 6 years later...

I thought I would add a reply to this for future players, as I've got something that doesn't require mucking around with NPCs. I think what triggered it in my case is being staggered by a fire spell thanks to Supreme Magicka, and the symptoms seem identical. Trying to unequip (not swap) clothing or armour gives "you cannot change weapons while attacking", as well. It seems like some kind of stuck animation state.


One solution is to reduce your fatigue to zero so that you are ragdolled. Find out your current fatigue and do eg. "player.modav fatigue -400".

The other is to do "player.playgroup idle 1", which seems to work immediately.


Hopefully there are no side effects to these, but I haven't experienced any yet.

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