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Choosing Yes to Mod vs Yes


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Hello dear modders,


I have a question that I wasn't able to answer with the usual google search.


When adding a Mod that does a part of what another installed mod does. For instance, 2k Textures does almost everything texture-wise. If I install the Floral mod or the Enhanced Ember Mod, I get to choose if I want the files to overwrite.


What's the difference between choosing Yes to Mod and a simple Yes?



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Simple "Yes" = "I agree with you overwriting this file in specific.... but I want you to ask me again if another file-conflict appears later on"


"Yes to mod" = "I'm giving free pass for you to overwrite all the files of this mod with the ones of my new mod during the course of this installation... but I still want you to ask me if file-conflicts happen with any other mod"


"Yes to all" = "All the files of this mod I'm installing should overwrite everything...so don't ask me...just install the damn thing already "

Edited by CookieDynamics
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Simple "Yes" = "I agree with you overwriting this file in specific.... but I want you to ask me again if another file-conflict appears later on"


"Yes to mod" = "I'm giving free pass for you to overwrite all the files of this mod (Not the mod you're installing...but the mod that is being overwritten), during the course of this installation"


"Yes to all" = "All the files of this mod I'm installing should overwrite everything "


So this means if I press Yes to Mod I will overwrite the entire mod package?

Example so I'm sure I got this right, I have 2K Texture mod installed. I install the Floral Overhaul mod and press Yes to Mod. Does that overwrite the entire 2K Texture mod? Or only the part of it that improves the Grass/Trees?

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So this means if I press Yes to Mod I will overwrite the entire mod package?

Example so I'm sure I got this right, I have 2K Texture mod installed. I install the Floral Overhaul mod and press Yes to Mod. Does that overwrite the entire 2K Texture mod? Or only the part of it that improves the Grass/Trees?



I have rewritten my first comment to make it clearer.


In your example...


You have 2k texture installed. You decide to install Flora Overhaul.


If you press "Yes to mod" you're saying You want "Flora Overhaul" to overwrite any file from the "2k texture" that conflicts with it... but anything that 2k texture has that "Flora Overhaul" hasn't will remain installed. So you can keep both mods at once.



The difference between "Yes to mod" and "Yes to all" is that by saying "Yes to mod" you're just saying "Yes to the files of this mod in specific"



So lets say you also had "Cookie Dynamics Ugly purple trees" installed....


The fact that you said "Yes to mod" during the "2k texture" is irrelevant.... the Mod Organizer will make a new pop up asking if you want to overwrite "Cookie Dynamics Ugly Purple Trees" textures with the ones from the "Flora Overhaul".

Edited by CookieDynamics
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Heheh yeah, we need to be plan that accordingly. (I suggest you check "Mod Organizer" as well)



Some people prefer Nexus Mod Manager.... others prefer "Mod Organizer". Try it out and see what fits you best.

Edited by CookieDynamics
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I will.


Tbh the mods that make the game more immersive and the lighting/ember ones really do it for me. Usual texture improvement doesn't add that much to the role-playing feeling, those are the ones that usually interfere with each other.

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I follow that philosophy as well... I agree 100% with you.


The only texture mod I have installed (besides the unofficial HD DLC patch) is "aMidianborn's book of silence", other than that the looks of my game is all on the shoulders of my ENB and Light mods.


(Oh... also mod for the Night sky... and a mod for the road signs)

Edited by CookieDynamics
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The HD DLC patch, I don't have that one. I do have some texture mods, the 2K one obviously, some Flora ones and the Enhanced Lighting/Flames ones.


My favorites are the Night Sky and (can't remember the name) a mod that resembles the ,,iNeed" mod, but it's a bit different. You build firplaces and tents when a storm hits you. That together with Tamriel Weather mod works wonders, I actually run between cities now and almost never use Fast travel, just because it feels so real.


I'm sad that the Mod where Windmills and Waterfalls get loaded quicker is crashing my game. The view is always so beautiful, until I have a ,,static" waterfall somewhere in the distance.

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