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Help: player.additem with Modded Items


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Hey I finished up Verona Bloodlines and Moriarcis, City of the Dead. Well I decided to place my nice Necromancer Lord Robes on a desk in the Verona House Private Stateroom. I left the estate and returned later to see that the robes are not on the table anymore. My guess is they fell through the floor out of the room. So I was wondering if I could somehow use the console to do "player.additem" with the Necromancer's Robes ID code. I searched through the Construction Kit and the only ID found for the robes were 020141B1 which doesn't work when I type it in game.


Any suggestions?

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FormID in-game is like: xx(load order in hexadecimal)+yyyyyy(FormID of the object)

So if your mod is loaded at 22th, form IDs of all objects belong to the mod would be: 16yyyyyy.

You can find the order in hexadecimal by using OBMM or Wrye Bash. The easier way to find out first two digit, open console, click on any object that belongs to said mod.

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I've had things fall through the floor, and it's actually possible to tcl down into the void and retrieve it. The item was only a little ways down.



If the hexadecimal thing doesn't work, which it probably did.

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It may be easier to just put a line of code to one of the conversations a npc member of this mod has. like just add "additem <necrorobename> 1" in the result script of the topic a npc says. Then load the mod, talk to npc, get robe. save game, open Cs and undo your bit of tampering.


Hope that helps some

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