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Hoooray i got a problem with wrye bash.


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Hi everyone im so exited cause its been so long since i had a problem.


Im using wrye supersmash/ or bash and i cant stop laughing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Somehow i can easily drag/drop rar achives into the installer tab for Skyrim ha ha ha ha


But when i ho ho ho try using the installer tab for oblivion it wont let me drop any rar archives at all (ROTFL)


Most funny is that its the UOP for Oblivion im trying to install :laugh: :laugh:



Its absolutely hilarious and i cant figure out why im just getting a stop sign when hovering the rar files over the blank space in the installer section ha ha ha i havent had so much fun since i stepped on a rusty nail and got blood-poisoning


Please help me solve this :laugh:

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Open Windows Explorer. Navigate to the folder you saved the UOP. Right click on the UOP rar and select Copy. Navigate to the folder Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers, right click on Bash Installers and select Paste from the right click menu. Open Wrye Bash and go to the Installers tab.

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Man!! Do i really have to do this every time???


I mean isnt the installer window supposed to be ready for drag&drop the rar files???


There must be something wrong i dunno what???



But thanks for the help yep good old copy/Paste never fails. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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My guess ... and I reiterate, guess is this ... from the file Wrye Bash General Readme.html that was included with your version 305 download (emphasis added):



Wrye Bash's mod installer is known as BAIN, and is represented by the Installers tab. The first time the Installers tab is opened, a dialog will appear asking if BAIN should be initialized. If you click Yes, BAIN will be initialised, which can take some time. After that, the information refresh performed when the Installers tab is opened is much faster. BAIN's primary function is to install mod packages. BAIN Packages can be .zip, .7z or .rar archives or uncompressed directories. Uncompressed directories are called Projects.
If BAIN is disabled, ie. if you clicked No on the dialog that was displayed the first time you selected the Installers tab, it can be re-enabled by right clicking on a column header in the Installers tab and selecting Enabled.
Edited by Striker879
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This is a bit strange cause it is enabled????


aww what the smeck ill just copy/paste or do an old-school manual install instead.


ive been wrecking my head whether i should use wrye or obmm??


I do know how to use wrye in a more advanced way,But is it really more unstable than obmm??

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I'm likely not the most qualified for giving WB vs OBMM advice as I've only been using Wrye for a few months. I'm also Mr. OldSchool and still mostly manually install my mods. I've only used BAIN for Arthmoors settlement mods, as there's some overlap of files that are common to more than one of his mods. I could easily figure out what to keep and what to leave if I ever uninstalled one of his towns, but that is one of BAIN's strengths and so I've played into it's strong points.


I used OBMM to get me started in modding, but quickly moved on to manual installing and have since only used it for BSA extraction and OMOD extraction. I tinkered a bit with load order changes using OBMM but now use WB and BOSS exclusively for that.


I haven't run into any issues using Wrye ... in fact my only quibble with it is the colour it uses for saves that are in sync with the load order (pink) vs those not in sync but still useable (green) ... just not intuitive to me. Obviously I'm a reader of manuals and readmes, and I've been known to read through mod comments that span over 100 pages (Companion Vilja more than once in fact, amongst others).


Definitely cut from a different bolt of cloth than most. Find what works for you and stick with that until something better comes along.

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