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Overclocked GTX 480 run, which visual mods that weren't playable b


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Topic title says... some.... In a confusing way.





Basically, I'm installing the essentials, Better Bodies, MGE (highest settings this time? Mebbe!) but I want to know what else to put in? Some over indulgent graphics mods that make the game look fantastic but usually aren't really useable. Texture mods, model, replacements etc.





I've already decided I'm going to be runnign some custom shaders such as one that will give some awesome sunbeam effects and I will also probably add that grass mod that worked with MGE. Anything else I need?





Also, pictures/graphics porn will come later once I have everything ready to go.




EDIT: Yes, Morrowind seems to run at a good 60 FPS with all settings at full and distant land set to 80 with distance blur at 16. ^_^ Now I just need to find that grass mod and a good texture mod.



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