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My Nifscoped armor crashes the CS.


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I'm trying to mash my favorite in-game outfits into one piece each for ease of use, but the CS crashes if I try to view it. My Scene Root NiNode says it has the proper number of children, what other variables should I check? One branch under the initial NiNode IS a child, right? Due to what I'm trying to do, there is a very large number of children. Could that be the problem?


I've used Nifscope before, and I've already successfully imported mashed-up armor into the game. Why isn't it working here? Last time I used way more Blender than I'm using now, that should have complicated things but it went fine. I'm very confused.

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There is no telling what is going on, and no easy answer. Oblivion crashes without explanation.


Back up, add one piece at a time, clean and sanitize the mesh as much as possible, etc.



I once put on a suit of armor that crashed the game when I equipped an amulte. A little snip in Nifscope of an amulet-area decoration and viola!


It will just take some playing around with.

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