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so how do i make my own Paintings


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With the DirectX "DDS" format, you need to manipulate your image so that the dimensions are in a power of 2.


Some examples of these dimensions are as follows:


1x1, 16x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x512, 1024x2048, 4096x4096, 2048x128




Original picture from a camera has the dimensions of 500 x 480. You might want to increase the canvas size to 512 x 512. There will be extra room around the sides but you can also re-size your picture to better fit the area...but typically, you don't want to "stretch" the image so it fits all the corners. Depends on the UV Map of the model and how it "fits" onto the intended DDS image. Many times, you will find that you just need to center and crop your image so it fits within the desired area. But the end-result must have a dimension that is a power of 2 before being converted to DDS format.


That just covers the dimensions. You are probably wondering about the "quality" or "size" and here is the answer:


If the model expects a perfectly square image and comes with an example DDS that is sized at 256x256, you "could" replace that small image with a larger size and will work perfectly and just look higher-res in-game. You could replace the 256x256 image with one that is 512x512 or 1024x1024 or 2048x2048 or even 4096x4096. Keep in mind that the larger the texture size, the more video RAM is required and if you have many of these pictures in one place that use extremely large textures, you might see game performance start to choke. All depends on how good your rig is, how many objects are on screen at the same time, etc. although I wouldn't think you'd have that many pictures to worry about.


If you put a large picture in the game (such as 4096x4096) and it looks good, try re-sizing it down to 2048x2048 and see if it still looks good. There is a point of dimensioning returns and you just have to figure out what that is based on your situation. Same can go the other way round...put in a small image 1st, see if it is acceptable, then go higher as needed. Once you get a feel for the quality level in-game, you won't have to do so much testing and will have a good feel for what is acceptable.



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