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Need Help Making Quests.


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Ok im new to this forum and been browsing through a few mods and i learned only how to make Symboides DimHome. Im still fairly new to the scripting on Oblivion and i never made Quests and wondering if anyone could possible teach me or inform on me on how to do certain things or make certain things enable / disable etc. I would like if you could IM me since i like doing the actual thing with a experienced person then try to make one word to word. I have AOL/AIM and my sn is Darkfirebird if anyone is intrested in helping me since i am making a fairly large mod that involves a whole seperate world like Camorans Paradise cept summonable during the quest. Ill check back every 5 mins or so so take care. Ty in advanced to those willing.
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Hmm... there's always the CS Wiki. But if you really think you need one on one, maybe someone will be willing. ^^


I'll move this to Modifications anyway, it doesn't really belong here.

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Hmm... there's always the CS Wiki. But if you really think you need one on one, maybe someone will be willing. ^^


I'll move this to Modifications anyway, it doesn't really belong here.


Yeha like i said im new to the forums o.o didnt see that Modifications part lol well i hope so. cuz that wiki didnt help me at all since im new at making quests and its 2 technical for me at this time.

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