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I always used Warriors when I first started playing because I wanted my characters to be really tough and ferocious. But then I tried out playing as a mage and a rogue, and I realized that the Warrior class is really rather junky, and the talents and specializations are really not very good at all. Two-handed weapons talents aren't too bad, but the shield talents are not very useful at all, and neither are the talents for any of the Warrior specializations. Rogue's specializations and talents are a lot better, and even though they can only learn archery and using dual weapons, I find is the latter is the strongest best way of defeating enemies (as opposed to the sword+shield and two handed weapon methods), and its got the coolest looking moves. And archery lets you take a sizeable chunk of health out of things from after which is really wicked. So, most of my characters be rogues now. :)


I also really love mages, but then there's so many different spells they can learn its tough to choose between them, because it's impossible to master more than a couple of talent trees over the course of the game... and that's WITHOUT specializations! All four of the mage specializations are so epic awesome and amazingly useful, it's hard to choose between them too! :wacko:

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I agree, curently I play with warrior but my favorite class is rogue, I like quick moovements and fast strikes, I find them best becouse they have skills that stun your oponents and hellp you inflict them with critical backstabs very lightly. Warriors are somehow holow they miss a lot of efects and their heavy armour is binding while they move, like its made of aluminium. About mages - I like them very much but as you wrote they have a lot of cool tallents and I usualy dont know witch ones to pick, when I do I usualy take fire and spirit tallents although the combinetion of storm and ice are the most efective ones expacialy if you hax an enemy :rolleyes:
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Origins: Warrior or Mage, actually probably Mage

Awakening: Warrior hands down


I'm not quite sure what all the fuss about Rogues is. I guess they are kind of cool with the backstabbing, especially Assassin/Duellist, but to be honest, if I didn't need to unlock chests, I probably wouldn't take a Rogue with me at all.

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I'm not quite sure what all the fuss about Rogues is.


Stealth, Flicker, discovering and disarming traps, etc - stuff like that :cool:


I guess you are kind of right Rusty. I did start a rogue playthrough some time ago and I did find sneaking around and disarming traps kind of fun for a while... but I never found it "necessary". It is amusing being able to sneak up on people but I don't miss not being able to do it. There is nothing in the game mechanic that makes any situation "too difficult" if you don't have a rogue. Traps are rarely more than a minor nuisance anyway.


What I'm trying to say is that while rogues can be fun, their skills are more of a distraction. I find having an extra mage to blast the place or heal gets the job done much quicker and easier than fiddling around with a rogue.

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Warrior hands down. The Holy Smite and War Cry maxed out are both great for knocking down groups of enemies. Coupled with DW and enemies are dispatched quickly. Rogue a close second, but can be easily knocked around in a fight, but the only good specialization is the Ranger talents to summon furry animal friends. :thumbsup: Mages last because they're simply too boring. Just started playing one recently, and still not much fun. Few talents work against the undead, and AW is not powerful enough to do any real damage. All this is said of course without modifying the talents/abilities of the classes. I know there are mods out here that make the AW stronger, and that is a thing I hope that is seen and implemented into DA2 as the trailers suggest.
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What I'm trying to say is that while rogues can be fun, their skills are more of a distraction. I find having an extra mage to blast the place or heal gets the job done much quicker and easier than fiddling around with a rogue.


I don't play as a "pure" rogue. Since I usually solo, my rogues have a few spells up their sleeve. I have tried the Arcane Warrior with dual-wield and stealth but I really hate it when he gets caught in a trap and gets pounded. But either way, I prefer a rogue-mage hybrid.

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