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removing clutter


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I'm currently building a town, but I'm running out of cell space (135 MB/157 MB), so I deleted things like cans, bottles, car tires, rubble piles, cars, road chunks, picket fences, dead trees, stop signs, etc. My first question is, will this screw up the navmesh? My second question is how can I get more cell space?

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Unfortunately, there's not much you can do. There's only so much you can put in a cell before it starts to bog down the memory consumption. You can tell when it's getting thick because you'll see a red border in the render window when viewing the cell in the geck.


As far as I know, there's no way to get more cell space without updating the game engine. As for the nevmesh, you should be fine. Cells aren't typical nevmeshed around clutter objects except for rubble piles. Just be sure to check the mesh for gaps when you're done editing clutter. Also remember to be efficient with your nevmesh. The more triangles the mesh has, the greater the performance hit.

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