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Weapon durability problem.


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Allright, here's the deal. I have doubled the damage of every weapon in-game because I want them to be more deadly.

At the same time I have edited the difficulty settings, so every npc is not a invincible god and you can basically kill most people with 3 hits.


The problem is that with this high damage ( 47 silver longsword ) blocking with weapon and shield is useless.

Basically, after 3 blocks, my weapon or shield is broken.


Now I have tried editing fDamageToWeaponPercentage but it stops making any changes under the default value, when the value is higher than default the weapons are breaking even faster.


I also tried editing each weapon health but it gives nothing.


And the reason why shields and weapons are breaking after blocking is simple - I have edited the fBlockAmountWeaponMult to higher value, because I want the blocking to absorb all damage, and not damage my player even after I've blocked the attack.


Do anyone know how can I make the weapons and shields break at normal rate, while keeping the high weapon damage and blocking that does not damage player? ( The blocking part is important because on highest difficulty evern if I'll block I'm pretty much dead.)

If it's possible, is it possible to prevent them from breaking at all?

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I also used to get tired of my weapons and armor degrading. Fortunately, I discovered a council command that prevents them from becoming damaged at all.


The council command is TGM (Toggle God Mod), but it does more than just prevent any degrading. Here's a list of everything it does:


Makes you invincible

Water breathing

Weapons and armor cannot be damaged

You have unlimited arrows

You cannot become over-encumbered, even if you pick up more than your Strength Attribute allows


Or, you could try one of these council commands:


Player.setav lightarmor 50

Player.setav heavyarmor 50


These will put you at a Journeyman level of both Heavy Armor and Light Armor, which causes armor to degrade 50% slower.

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A master of block only blocks 75% of the attack -- it's staggered by rank, remember -- so changing fBlockMax from 0.75 to 1.0 will in theory allow a master of Block to absorb all damage. In reallity, it doesn't work like that, as the game calculates the damage based also on armour skill. The equation is 1*BlockSkill*ArmourRating, so (changing fBlockMax to 1) a master of block with an armour rating of 85 (max) equates to: 1*1*0.15 == 0.15, so you will still take 15% of the damage.


Edit: You can remove the maximum armour rating cap (85) by changing fMaxArmorRating to 100.0. This will prevent ANY damage to a master of block with an armour rating of 100 -- 1*1*0 == 0 (zero damage). Remember that fatigue comes into the equation below Apprentice or Journeyman, I can't remember which.

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That's called having your cake and wanting to eat it. :wink:


There is no way that I know of, other than God Mode. As I said, the game calculates damage based on various factors. It may, in theory, be possible if you delve deeply enough into the game mechanics; something I have not done. However, there is a hack that you could employ: increase the health of your shield to a ridiculous amount: I'm talking 9999999. The drawback here is that it can take forever to repair when the damage is high. If you've ever played FO3, the official Operation Anchorage DLC employs this method with it's Winterized Combat and T-51b Power Armour.

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