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Problem on creating new creatures


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You're making a new creature with just new stats, no model changes?


I don't know if skeletons even have hand-to-hand damage. Try looking at the stats of a skeleton that works in-game, then alter your own to match those. Then you can change specific parts of the stats to fit your needs.


The main stat that affects the damage of a creature is Damage Multiplier. Careful with it though, it's a multiplier, so it can easily grow exponentially and make your skeleton into a baby Dagon.

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I'm using the same model I just change the name and used diferent stats. But for some reason they don't use the weapons. But if i remove them from the inv they stop doing damage. They just attack with their hands but using the damage of the leveled item(sword) wich it doesn't appear on them. That's the problem.
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