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Alternate Start - After Main Quest?


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Basically, is there anyway to make a mod that allows you to create a new character in at a point in the story after the main quest has ended, where a separate Hero of Kvatch has done whatever he has done?


This way, you could be able to roleplay as playing as a different, level 1 character then the hero, coexisting but never meeting, while at the same time everyone will talk about the ending of the Oblivion crisis (no talks about the emperour being assassinated or Kvatch being brunt down. Instead, it relates to The Temple of One). I think I won't be the only one that will like the idea of being able to advance the ranks of the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood without any involvement with the Blades, while at the same time, the world has already been saved by someone else.

Edited by CaveRave
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I took the liberty of asking one of our Alternate Start gurus ... here is the post (and Arthmoor's reply follows).


- Edit - I do like your idea though ... would add a new perspective to things like collecting Oblivion realm ingredients, why there are so few people in Cyrodiil and works nicely with how I feel about those "other" questlines (if you are the Champion of Cyrodiil how could you be at the lowest rank of Mages or Fighters guild, yet if you stop pursuing the Main Quest while you take those side passages it isn't realistic that the whole Mankar Cameron/Lord Dagon group goes "Oh ... OK, we'll just wait until you're ready"). My current character is using an alternate start with Kvatch intact for that reason.

Edited by Striker879
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