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How do I edit my Configuration File


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HI,Everyone :blink: Just a quick question,how do I edit my Configuration File. :confused: I downloaded some plug-ins with Configuration Files in them.How can I make them work properly.Do I copy and paste them into my Oblivion Default Configuration File.Such as Alchemy Advanced,Enhanced Grabbing and FormID Finder.Not quit sure how to do this :confused: Is there a link, Help me please.
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Do I copy and paste them into my Oblivion Default Configuration File

if the mod doesn't tell you to do this



The three mods I have mentioned tell me to edit,the thing is, I'm not sure witch one to edit :rolleyes: ,but thank you for the input :thumbsup:Do I have to create a INI file in my Oblivion Data file :unsure:

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Do I copy and paste them into my Oblivion Default Configuration File

if the mod doesn't tell you to do this



The three mods I have mentioned tell me to edit,the thing is I'm not sure witch one to edit :rolleyes: ,but thank you for the input :thumbsup:


I downloaded two of the three that you mentioned and the readme's had no mention of editing the oblivion.ini file so I'm not sure what you are referring to. Perhaps you could provide more detail about what you need...

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Do I copy and paste them into my Oblivion Default Configuration File

if the mod doesn't tell you to do this



The three mods I have mentioned tell me to edit,the thing is I'm not sure witch one to edit :rolleyes: ,but thank you for the input :thumbsup:


I downloaded two of the three that you mentioned and the readme's had no mention of editing the oblivion.ini file so I'm not sure what you are referring to. Perhaps you could provide more detail about what you need...

this is what has me a little confused.Alchemy Advanced Configuration File


;; The values of the configurable mod settings can be overriden below.

;; This file will be loaded every time Oblivion loads a savegame.

;; If this file is missing or a particular setting is not specified, the setting

;; value stored in the savegame will be used instead.

;; To specify a setting value, uncomment the line below that contains its name by

;; deleting the semicolon(;) preceding the word 'set'. Replace the semicolon

;; to prevent specifying a value.

;; Note that you can tweak nearly all of these settings in-game by enabling

;; the settings menu (PARAM_SHOW_MENU = 1). :confused: Do I do this in game :blink: Or do I create a INI folder in my Oblivion Data folder.

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The ini file is NOT in the same place as the mods. It is in a completely different place on your computer than the game. (I have no clue why BethSoft did it this way)


Even if you have installed the game to a non default location, Oblivion.ini will still be in the same place - look here:

XP C:\Documents and Settings\Your user name\My Documents\My games\Oblivion

Vista & Win7 C:\Users\your user name\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion


The Oblivion.ini is created the first time you start the game and is only saved when you make the first game save (not when you install) All of the hardware info that Oblivion needs to run the game is also stored in the ini file, so don't change anything if you don't know what it does. The save games folder is also located in the same place.

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These are the other two :confused: ;=============================================================================;

; ;

; Put it in it's Place : Enhanced Grabbing v0.4 INI configuration file ;

; ;

; Edit this file to customize it to your preferences. ;

; Currently, these settings will be reloaded upon every game restart. ;

; So changes made to them in-game will not be saved over game sessions. ;

; ;

; INI file initialization can be turned of, if desired, from the in-game menu ;

; Place this in the "Data" or "Data\INI" folder. Make sure only one's present ;

; ;

; ( All time values are in real-time seconds ) ;

; ( All chance values are percentages ) ;





; Set these options only if you're having problems with the mod or if you wish to have a look at the inerds of mod's mechanisms.


Set zzPiiiPDebugMode to 0 ;Turns on debug messages - Will print messages from the different core scripts (default : 0)

;Debug levels available - Successive levels do not overlap, meaning messages from the previous level will show as well

; level 1 - GrabCrime Evasion and Neatnik NPCs

; level 2 - Elevation Perks and Movement Tracker

; level 3 - Crime Handling

; level 4 - Noise Maker | Excretes a copious amount of messages.

; level 0 - Disabled


Set zzPiiiPDebugFilter to 0 ;Filters out messages from the current debug level (default : 0)



; Enhanced Crime Handling ;



Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPDetectionChecks to 1 ;Set to 0 to turn off Crime Handling (default : 1)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPMaxLostTimer to 4 ;This is maximum time, in real seconds, the player can remain undetected - while grabbing, before the owner attempts to find him/her (default : 4)


;Threshold for gold values | If the gold value of the grabbed object, which on grabbing and staying undetected beyond the maximum hiding time, is greater than this gold value - the owner will follow the player around until the he/she leaves the object's parent cell.

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPMGAmmo to 12 ;Threshold gold value for objects of the Ammo type (default : 12)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPMGApparatus to 75 ;Threshold gold value for objects of the Apparatus type (default : 75)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPMGArmor to 150 ;Threshold gold value for objects of the Armor type (default : 150)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPMGBook to 50 ;Threshold gold value for objects of the Book type (default : 50)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPMGClothing to 10 ;Threshold gold value for objects of the Clothing type (default : 10)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPMGIngredient to 10 ;Threshold gold value for objects of the Ingredient type (default : 10)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPMGLight to 0 ;Threshold gold value for objects of the Light type (default : 0)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPMGMisc to 25 ;Threshold gold value for objects of the Misc type (default : 25)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPMGPotions to 20 ;Threshold gold value for objects of the Potions type (default : 20)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPMGSigilStone to 0 ;Threshold gold value for objects of the SigilStone type (default : 0)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPMGSoulGem to 20 ;Threshold gold value for objects of the SoulGem type (default : 20)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPMGWeapon to 150 ;Threshold gold value for objects of the Weapon type (default : 150)



; Noise Maker ;



Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNoiseMaker to 1 ;Set to 0 to turn off Noise Maker (default : 1)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNDCreatures to 1 ;Set to 0 to turn off Noise Maker on creatures (default : 1)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNDPilferGoods to 1 ;Set to 0 to turn off the Pillaging behavior (default : 1)


Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNDCreatureIntelligenceThreshold to 40 ;The minimum inteligence required of a creature to show inquisitiveness (default : 40)


Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNDSearchPartyMaxSize to 4 ;Maximum number of actors searching for the player at any point of time. Doesn't include alerted guards (default : 4)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNDSearchGuardPartyMaxSize to 3 ;Maximum number of alerted guards searching for the player at any point of time. Includes guards who originally heard the noise and not the alerted guards (default : 3)

;Values below 5 recommended. Higher values may cause performance issues


Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNDPilferHighCChance to 55 ;Chance of a high-confidence NPC pilfering the goods (default : 55)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNDPilferLowCChance to 65 ;Chance of a low-confidence NPC pilfering the goods (default : 65)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNDSearchHighCIgnoreChance to 10 ;Base Chance of a high-confidence actor ignoring the noise (default : 10)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNDSearchLowCIgnoreChance to 20 ;Base Chance of a low-confidence actor ignoring the noise (default : 20)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNDSearchIgnoreTokenMultiplier to 10 ;Ignore Chance Multiplier for each ignore token. Tokens added only when the search was in vain, and if the NPC isn't a guard (default : 10)

;Ignore Chance formula : Base Chance + (Ignore Token COunt * Multiplier )

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNDSearchUVChance to 55 ;Chance of a high-confidence NPC unleashing unecessary violence. Not available for low-confidence NPCs (default : 55)

;Set it to 0 to disable the feature


Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNDSearchGuardIrritantThreshold to 3 ;Number of times a guard may be irritated before he/she places a bounty on the player (default : 3)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNDSearchLightThreshold to 35 ;The amount of light falling on the NPC, below which he/she will try to equip a torch or cast a light spell (default : 35)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNDDistWeightMultiplier to 20 ;Noise range multipler (default : 20)

;Noise range formula : Item Weight * Multiplier

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNDItemWeightLimit to 60 ;The maximum limit of the item's weight. Note that this doesn't limit the usage of items which weigh beyond the limit (default : 60)


Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNDFleeCancelTimeOut to 20 ;The maximum time the flee behavior will last (default : 20)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNDSearchTimeOut to 30 ;The maximum time an actor can spend travelling to the origin of the sound, beyond which the actor will abandon the search. Mostly a catch for NPC navigation issues (default : 30)

;This value is increased by 6 for creatures, owning to speed differences


; Neatnik NPCs / Player Push-Over ;



Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPNeatnikNPCs to 1 ;Set to 0 to turn of Neatnik NPCs. Requires Elevation Perks to be enabled (default : 1)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPPlayerPushOver to 1 ;Set to 0 to turn of Player Push-Over (default : 1)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPPPOStrengthOverride to 1 ;Set to 0 to turn on Call Guards (default : 1)


Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPPPOCrimeThreshold to 3 ;The number of times the owner must be irritated beyond his/her tolerance limit to trigger PPO (default : 3)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPPPOInitGoOutTime to 4 ;Duration of time allowed to the player initially to leave the premises (default : 4)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPPPOExtraGoOutTime to 4 ;Duration of time allowed to the player to leave the premises,in addition to the initial if the player was moving towards the door (default : 4)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPPPOStrengthDiff to 10 ;The difference in strength b'ween the player and the owner, required to trigger the Call Guards mechanic (default : 10)



; Grab Crime Evasion ;



Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPToggleGrab to 1 ;Set to 0 to turn off Toggle Grab (default : 1)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPToggleGrabAutoFlinger to 1 ;Set to 0 to turn off Auto-Flinging (default : 1)


Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPToggleGrabAutoFlingDistance to 35 ;Extra distance the grabbed object must be, from the player, to trigger the flinging (default : 35)

;Total distance = ActivateLength + ExtraDistance

;Smaller the value, greater the sensitivity



; Elevation Perks ;



Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPElevationChecks to 1 ;Set to 0 to turn off Elevation Perks (default : 1)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPElevationComments to 1 ;Set to 0 to turn off NPC reactions (default : 1)



; Misc. Settings ;



Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPItemDropper to 1 ;Set to 0 to turn off the item dropper (default : 1 )

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPForceSubs to 0 ;Set to 1 to force subs while playing NPC reactions (default : 0)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPEnabled to 1 ;Set to 0 to disable mod (default : 1)


Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPTrackerGraceFrames to 5 ;Number of frames to skip while tracking item movement (default : 5)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPTrackerFrameCounterThreshold to 80 ;Minimum number of frames the object must have moved to trigger the Noise Maker on null movement (default : 80)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPSanityQ.sRemoveMenuToken to 0 ;Set to 1 to remove in-game options token; 0 to add it back (default : 0)

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPSilentVoices to 0 ;Set to 1 if you have downloaded the silent voices version (default : 0)



Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.zzPiiiPVersion to 0.4

Set zzPiiiPSanityQ.sINIInitDone to 1

printC "%aPiiiP%a : INI Initialized !" 2 3 ;===================================================================================

; **** ASESINO's FormID Finder*****

; [Main Features Settings]

; If you choose to modify these settings, you can use http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/IsKeyPressed3 as a reference


; Set the FormID Finder focus key- this is the key you will use to select objects to run FormID Finder on.

set FormIDFinderQuest.KeyPressed1 to 56 ; Default to Alt

set FormIDFinderQuest.KeyModifier1 to 257 ; Default to right click, set to 0 for no modifier.


; Set the FormID Finder Secondary key - in the game world this brings up a report on your character. In Barter menu or container menu, this lets you read the book without picking it up.

set FormIDFinderQuest.KeyPressed2 to 42 ; Default to Shift

set FormIDFinderQuest.KeyModifier2 to 257 ; Default to right click, set to 0 for no modifier.


; NOTE: the processing will not begin until you release the keypressed key!!!



there you go so what do I do :unsure:

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The ini file is NOT in the same place as the mods. It is in a completely different place on your computer than the game. (I have no clue why BethSoft did it this way)


Even if you have installed the game to a non default location, Oblivion.ini will still be in the same place - look here:

XP C:\Documents and Settings\Your user name\My Documents\My games\Oblivion

Vista & Win7 C:\Users\your user name\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion


The Oblivion.ini is created the first time you start the game and is only saved when you make the first game save (not when you install) All of the hardware info that Oblivion needs to run the game is also stored in the ini file, so don't change anything if you don't know what it does. The save games folder is also located in the same place.

Hi there, found it,Im still using XP.My question is how do I make these work. Do I leave them in my Data folder :confused: or move them :blink:

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there you go so what do I do :unsure:


Put the three files in the places that they say that they need to be placed. I suggest that you leave them unchanged and try them out in the game first. Then you can discover what you like (not to mention making sure that they work with all of your other mods) and what you want to change, and then you can start uncommenting out stuff in the files to change them.

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there you go so what do I do :unsure:


Put the three files in the places that they say that they need to be placed. I suggest that you leave them unchanged and try them out in the game first. Then you can discover what you like (not to mention making sure that they work with all of your other mods) and what you want to change, and then you can start uncommenting out stuff in the files to change them.

Thank you, for the info. :thumbsup: I will giver a shot! Hard to believe, Ive been playing games on a PC for over 20 years and cut my teeth on Elder Scrolls III as far as modding games.So please, bare with me if I seem unsure on how to make things work right. :blink: Its all very interesting and, Id like to learn from the BEST 8) Its my B-Day today and the wifes letting me game all friggin DAY! Ya! Hoo! Sorry, Still a big kid at heart :wink:

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