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Two ugly worlds collide


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I'm learning but this idea is way out of my league. Here we go.


We know that Deathclaws, The Enclave, the Brotherhood of Steel, and Harold all managed to make their way to the Capitol Wasteland from the West Coast. So, here's my idea. A group of West Coast Supermutants make it over too. Sure, they don't grow to behemoth sizes, but in exchange, they have the Nightkin...and I suppose the 'Super Duper Mutants' count for something too.


Ever since the Vault Dweller killed the Master, and the Chosen One ended their restoration attempt in Mariposa, they've been in a bad state. But finding out that there are vats in the Capitol Wasteland? I'm picturing stealthboy-using nightkin picking off their orange cousins with plasma rifles while the dumber greenies opened up with miniguns and power fists on behemoths. A deadly battle over possession of the FEV vats, and doom to whoever gets caught in the middle. Possibly, due to the Nightkin, it may be possible to incorporate quests for the green fiends, but the things they'd want your squishy help with wouldn't be too easy. Like raiding the BoS and Enclave for weapons. Then again, they could be powerful allies against the Enclave...or anyone else, so long as you can keep them from dipping you if they gain control of the vats.




It's just the idea, but any thoughts on it? I figure that at least one of the Nightkin has to remember something about how the Master did the dipping, so that they can make green supermutants if they win.

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I think they mentioned something about this in Fallout New Vegas, that the Nightkin have mostly gone insane from over-usage of stealth boys.


Even better. Smart, highly skilled, cloaked and crazy? (Probably, due to what a stealth boy is, they're either paranoid, afraid to be seen, or have a desperate need to be noticed.)


On a NV note, hopefully Marcus isn't nuts...and hopefully he's a better shot with miniguns this time around. Don't know how often he killed me because he just HAD to minigun that wolf.

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