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Problem with quests and dialogues..


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I've been trying to make my house more interesting, so I tried to make some quest about getting the house. Unfortunatelly, my knowledge about oblivion scripts, quest making and dialogues is very small, and somtimes I don't get what I'm reading on the CS wiki :confused:

I'd like the quest to:

-an NPC giving me a letter,

-second NPC, that could talk to me, give some items, be a merchant,

-journal notes about getting to the place, picking up items etc.,

-custom dialogue.


(Quite similliar to ms_siika's mod Dwemer Skyship, which I have, but still don't get how to do it :P)


I'd be very pleased if you show me some tutorial which could tell me step by step how to make it or maybe some important clues.


Sorry for so noob questions, and thanks for help :turned:

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