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Mod Help?


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So i have the OMM, downloaded some files from here manually, then took the files in OMM and created the omods and activated them, one of the mods was the ship alternate start so i decided to test and make sure it works and did everything right, when the new game starts im not inside the ship and have the mod effects with it, have i done the mods wrong? was wondering if i could get some help


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First, what is the game version number shown in the lower left corner of the menu screen? If it is not version 1.2.0416 the game will silently ignore any mods you install that weren't created with the old version of the Construction Set (i.e. mods that haven't been updated since back in late 2006 early 2007).


Second, there are a half dozen or more alternate start mods that start you on a ship (even one on a sinking ship). You'll need to provide a link to the mod in question (if point one isn't the problem).

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