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Borders are disabled in ini but enabled ingame


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The title pretty much says it all, my obliv ini shows that borders are disabled but they are active ingame. My game is very heavily modded, and I'm reasonably sure that its a mod conflict, just wondering if anyones experienced this before or knows of a specific mod that causes it. Thanks

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Have you changed this:




or this?






I don't know if they are different but surely the first one is the right one.

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There are, indeed, two sections in oblivion.ini with regard to border regions. In the Main section bEnableBorderRegion gets overridden by bBorderRegionsEnabled in the General section the first time the game is run. So make sure that bBorderRegionsEnabled=0 under General .
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Wow, you know I've been playing this game of and on for over three years now and I never realized that there were two nearly identical ini lines. I suspect one of them has to be mod added. You're right, Forli, thats what the problem was, I only had the second one disabled. I disabled both and now its working correctly, Thanks!
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