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Playing an Evil Character


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Toyota used the disable function on the brakes. :P Is that villainous?


By cheats I use 'kill' :/ Never gets old. Oh, and player.setcrimegold 0. :) Sneak attacks are more fun when the guards aren't pyschic if you have a bounty.

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Just a kill spell? Nah, it's more fun to make some custom enchantments to give the full effect, rather than just getting hit with sudden death.


Ever tried combining paralyze with a summon creature spell, or paralyze with damage health. Drain health and weakness to magic work well too.

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A must for evil characters is the imperial guard disguise mod, which can be used to switch guard uniforms all over and they wont recognise you, and your bounty will only be on the disguise you wore. And the RenGuardOverhaul is also a must! Very awesome for evil characters. The populated cities is great fun, almost endless killing sprees!
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A must for evil characters is the imperial guard disguise mod, which can be used to switch guard uniforms all over and they wont recognise you, and your bounty will only be on the disguise you wore. And the RenGuardOverhaul is also a must! Very awesome for evil characters. The populated cities is great fun, almost endless killing sprees!


Populated Cities? Which mod? Sounds useful...

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