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Help! Many mods randomly stopped working


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So, here's the deal. I started playing Oblivion again about a month ago with a great many mods that I spent months making work correctly...and they were all working correctly. They were until a few days ago, anyway. I installed OBSE and DarNified UI a few days ago and a few important ones just seemed to die, mainly Flyfightflea's awesome "Enchantment Restore Over Time" along with a few other random ones (such as Phinix's "Portable Tent"). To replace it I have tried to simply use a mod to give unlimited charge to enchanted weapons but even that doesn't work now. I have done everything I know to do from altering load order to reinstalling every single mod I have to deleting any potential conflicting mods but nothing works. I load up the game and its as if I don't even have those mods at all. Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be the issue and how to resolve it? I refuse to run around with 300 lbs. of Varla Stones in my bag so I can use my good weapons.
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Try making a clean save. The problem may actually be in the savegame. Deactivate all your mods, save, quit, re-enable them and then load from that save.


If that works, you can try the clean-save routine on different ones so that maybe you don't end up losing everything :)

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The clean save idea was another dead end, I'm afraid. This is so messed up because these mods were working fine until I installed OBSE and DarNified UI and I can't get them to work anymore. I also noticed that despite having the fix for the missing mesh exclamation point installed the game has started to just ignore that, too.
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Are you starting the game using OBSE and not the Oblivion launcher? Any mods that require OBSE will not work if OBSE is not started first. Either use the OBSE launcher or the launcher built into OBMM - which checks for OBSE and starts it first if it is present.


Just disabling mods by unchecking them does not remove them. All meshes and textures are still loaded, just not used unless the esp is started. Darnified UI is mostly texture replacers and will not be removed at all by unchecking anything. - this can cause problems. Instead try this.

Bben's Oblivion Revert to Vanilla game



And if you really feel you must reinstall (last resort)

Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the articles section of the Nexus



It allows you to preserve any saves and mods, or remove them completely - your choice.

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