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What Are Your Playing Habits?


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My argonian warrior character, Chris, hops back and forth between Bravil and Chorrol...he wears imperial dragon armor and is armed with a daedric longsword and ebony shield..


He is also a pseudo hero...having done both mostly good and some bad things in his life.


Tori, my female argonian crusader, just spends her time in Anvil, usually in the Fighter's guild, and is equipped with ebony armor and weapons.


She's pure hero, no infamy.

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Does that mean that your NPCs will be doing things like hunting in the wilderness or clearing out dungeons on their own (or in a group or 2 or 3)? A mod like that would be very interesting, since there HAS to be more than one adventurer on the face of Cyrodil. If your mod was taking that kind of direction, it might be a good idea to schedule your NPCs to clear out certain nonquest-related dungeons in the local area of their town, and have a few of each of these adventurers in each town. It wouldn't make every one of your characters noticable, but it would definately be interesting to run into somebody else clearing out a dungeon ahead of your character, especially if he/she were to prompt your character to join forces with him for the duration of the dungeon crawl or provoke a fight because they don't want the player to take the loot that they "rightfully had a claim towards."


One place that would be good for this would be Vilverin, since practically EVERY new character (at least amongst me and my friends) clears that place out right after leaving the Imperial Sewers.


Nope. Not even the Orc adventurers actually take anything, they just hang out in the ruins, killing enemies that respawn there.


If there was some unique looking Aleid ruin with lots of respawning Varla stones as well as unique hard to kill bosses then I'd keep going there to train and for the loot.

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My argonian assassin Clears out the rockmilk cave marauders (they literally kill the people for you)

My charecter spends alot of time in the Ic market district trying to find that elusive courier quest and starting discos.He adopts a don't stay in the same place for more than a night style he sometimes gos to anvil to wander the docks and swim in the middle of the abeceann sea.

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  • 2 years later...
It's all helpful, but that 30 timescale thing is looking to be a problem. Sure, when you have an NPC only moving 2-3 cells in a day it isn't too bad, but when you have one running between cities, or to a location it becomes one. Also becomes a problem when having an NPC running all the time just doesn't seem right. 1 Hour gone by in 2 minutes, 12 hours in 24 minutes, doesn't seem a bit fast for you guys? Do you think people would be opposed to a lower timescale, making those 12 game hours take 48 minutes realtime or longer?

I have experimented with a normal, 1.0, timescale. If I am playing way too much and with the game time in synch with real time it can actually be cool in a way. Personally I find the default a little too accelerated. I am often arriving at destinations after hours and such. I think somewhere in between is best

As far as other playing habits, since I discovered modding, I have spent most of my time in the center of the map from far north to far south. Mountain Tower Mod, To Kumiko Manor Mod, by way of the Imperial City. I am using the following mods:



CM Partners esm and esp


DLCShivering Isles


Kumiko Manor


P-Froggy's Dawn-and Duskfang=Dualwield





I have been trying to build a strong character, concentrating on minor skills first. I hope his abilities will be a little more well-rounded than some of my past characters who mostly bashed and healed their selves through.

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i wont be much help i play as vamps most of the time unless i am hunting down mod items i kinda wander to diff towns and stay close to the beggers XD easy prey after all >:P and time scale cus my comp is weak i dont often change it to rt cus it makes me lag -_- also my assassins are proud to be trained killers lol i walk among the ppl they annoy me i kill them then kill the guards XD
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Aylied Ruins are my favorite place to be, because it's often laggy or crashy outside. I go to Vilverin, went to Rielle recently to finish Enter the Shinobi mod (Please dont add more NPCs there by that I mean do cause I love a challenge) I go to forts and Ruins Urasek, been doing DB quests so in and out of Cheydinhal, went to Bruma and did a nightly rampage as a werewolf. I like to go the Imperial City usually during the day to sell stuff and talk to people, but I end up spending couple days there usually. idk what times of day but my day-night scale I think I set for its longest, but it doesn't work on all of my saves. So vanilla and the longest setting. I have about two current chars. When not distracted by quests, they're mostly in Aylied Ruins, forts, or the Imperial City and sometimes the woods and lakes around the Imperial City.
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