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Male animations where are you?


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Hi guys.


We desperately need male animations.

Nexus is full with female animation replacers while for men there is just ONE, which is not that good quality.

Someone could make a proper man walk/run/idle animation with and without weapons?

At the moment vanilla running/walking animation is unnatural and ridiculous, the only one mod what we have just a little bit better, but still the character looks like if he would have serious stomach pain, maybe "arrow in the belly problem" and turning around like if you would play as a terminator-legowarrior-transformers-grandpa with serious arthritis- machine.



please male animations....for the sake of MANkind.



(it is a bit funny that we have animated backpack, animated swords, animated eating and animated fart, but yet the main character who supposed to be in the game (male dragonborn) lacking something... very basic?)

Edited by metaton
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Enhanced animations ---- no proper walk anim without weapons

Immersive animations ----no proper walk/run anim just anims for weapons.

ndh`s Animation OH ----sprint animation is not that bad, but the rest of it...i am not sure it is even better than vanilla, it is not realistic/ good looking at all.


This is what I am talking about. Butterfly animation (idle, walk /run )for females is awesome and completely realistic.

The first two animation is mainly for weapons and the last one...well I don`t think anybody would walk/run like that...


So anybody could make a good quality walk run animation which is at least a bit realistic?


Edit: Immersive animations contains an optional run/sprint anim, which looks good, I will test it, but still, no walk/ idle like butterfly for females...

Edited by metaton
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