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Race Balancing Project 10.5 - Magicka: Birthsign + Race?


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This question is in regard to Race Balancing Project (RBP) 10.5, which I am considering using:




The readme discussion above makes it clear that your magicka will increase based on level, intelligence, and what race/birthsign you have chosen. What it does not explain is how the races and birthsigns combine to give you magicka.


Example: lets say I choose to play Dunmer, which gives a *medium* magicka bonus, and I choose The Mage birthsign, which also gives a *medium* magicka bonus. Ok, so how do they combine? Do you go up to the next rank and get a *considerable* magicka bonus, or do you just get *medium*, in which case taking The Mage is rather pointless?


Another Example: I could make an awesome spellcasting Nord simply by taking the Ritual, which gives the highest magicka bonus? This seems counter to the whole point of the project, which was to make the mage races more powerful if you follow a magic path.



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