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Thief Char

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HI :biggrin:


im working on my stealth-specialized character and i cant deside what kind of weapon

would fit best. ive got a few to choose from but the choice is to difficult. so what kind of weapon

would you use for a thief?


1. my normal char is dualwielding 2 katana-like longswords


2. one normal single-edged longsword


3. the classical thief weapon: 2daggers most probably reversed


4.something like a wooden fighting rod / staff


5.a spear -> problem here and with the staff would be theyre quite long and not very sneaky-like


6. 2 chinese hook swords -> i downloaded tthem yesterday and theyre pretty cool and woul fit my

char also quite good


7. 2 tonfa like ellbow-blades (as in soul calibur 2 ...)

->my favorite. the only problem is there is no perfect mod yet so they would

have to be made first. for im a bad modder i maybe would request them in

the forums later


:wacko: so what weapon would appeal to you most. i also have to say this character is not limited to oblivion

but also to morrowind ( see the spears )?


if you have any other ideas for other weapons you re welcome to tell me


so long B Y E

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I would go with the hookswords, because they are light and versitile weapons, plus daggers wont do much in the off chance that your theif character gets cought but the hookswords are beast! hope this helps!!!! BTW, wich hooksword mod did you download? :thumbsup:
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thanks you two...to be honest i really drifted between those 2 choices of yours:

hooksword and ellbow blades. two daggers would have been my 3rd choice :biggrin:



yeah my absolute favorites are the ellbowblades. the only prob is theres no really good mod

out there. i think i gonna request them in the forums :P


@triveck i downloaded the ones from uk47. theyre a bit weak but i edited them so theyre

stronger now. theyre really awesome and right now my weapon of choice :thumbsup:

here is the link:


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The most traditional would be a short bow and/or a single dagger. My current thief uses hand-to-hand, because she does not believe she will ever be caught, therefore she does not believe in carrying a weapon on the job.


Anything large (katanas, longswords, spears, long bows, etc) would not fit a stealth-oriented character, as they will be more readily seen.

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hi :biggrin:

i took some screenshots cause i still really cant deside so what do you think

what fits best?????:








(hope the links work)

couldnt take a screenshot with elbowblade yet (for there is no cool mod out there


sooo...vote for your favourite :thumbsup:

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