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good PC standalone war games


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Hello Folks, I am fairly new to shootin and lootin - Oblivion and Fallout3 my only games in that genre so far. I still play them, but would like to expand my collection.

Can anyone recommend a decent standalone war game for PC please?

I am looking for something that will give me the freedom of Fallout3 and preferably modern rather than to do with witches and warlocks. Perhaps such a game does not exist, but I thought you would most likely know. Ta :)


ps I have quite good specs on the computer.

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I'd suggest you check out the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-series. It's a series of first person shooters (from an Ukranian developer, actually) which takes place in the abandoned areas around Chernobyl NPP. In short, they're post-apocalypic shooting & looting-games. However, they're alot more unforgiving than Oblivion and Fallout, until you get used to it, you'll die quite alot. However, it's so much worth it once you've got the hang of it. The atmosphere is just great and the lighting-engine is good enough to make these games worth a look just for that. And it's all strung together by a surprisingly clever story.
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I'd suggest you check out the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-series. It's a series of first person shooters (from an Ukranian developer, actually) which takes place in the abandoned areas around Chernobyl NPP. In short, they're post-apocalypic shooting & looting-games. However, they're alot more unforgiving than Oblivion and Fallout, until you get used to it, you'll die quite alot. However, it's so much worth it once you've got the hang of it. The atmosphere is just great and the lighting-engine is good enough to make these games worth a look just for that. And it's all strung together by a surprisingly clever story.


thank you, I will give one of them a try - appreciated.

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Mount & Blade: Warband is truly the definition of WAR. Ever wanted to lead your own army, in first person? Check it out!. Additionally, you move your troops on a campaign map and can engage in acts of courtship, diplomacy, trade and much more. And it's very open-world. Unfortunately this is a medieval setting, but I'm pretty sure you'll love it if you're a warmonger.


I can't think of any good modern ones that actually give you the freedom you want atm, I'll try more tomorrow.

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I'm not sure if it counts, but Red Dead: Redemption is a fine example of shooting, if not looting


NeverWinter Nights is really a bit old, being from 2001, but the Original NWN is really worth a try, it's D&D rpg gamreplay at it's very best, great ui, great gameplay, totaly addictive.


Death Spank. Easily the funniest game on the market right now, this little gem of spoof will split your sides just by putting the disc in the console. Hilarious in every pixel.


And if you want to know the true meaning of war, Operation Flashpoint 1 or 2. OPFLA is so brutaly badas hard you'll rip your hair out! and it's so enjoyable and so addictive you'll play on bald.

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If your into realism, i would really recommend ARMA II, or ARMA II: Operation Anchorage (you can get the double pack on steam)


They are not your typical FPS though, its more of a war simulator, you have a huge open world, there are tanks, aircraft, tons of vehicles, tons of weapons etc... its not a run and gun game, most of the time you'll be running from point a to b keeping your eyes open, hard to explain but very fun if you are a little patient.

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If your into realism, i would really recommend ARMA II, or ARMA II: Operation Anchorage (you can get the double pack on steam)


They are not your typical FPS though, its more of a war simulator, you have a huge open world, there are tanks, aircraft, tons of vehicles, tons of weapons etc... its not a run and gun game, most of the time you'll be running from point a to b keeping your eyes open, hard to explain but very fun if you are a little patient.


Ah yes, of course! Forgot about that! Yeah it's a pretty neat sandbox game.

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Morrowind? =D

Though thats not much of shooting unless you have a bow =P


But personally I think you should mod Fallout 3 until you seriously can't find any more awesome mods for it.

And wait for New Vegas... It certainly looks worth the wait!

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wow, thanks for all the suggestions folks. I have got STALKER SoC now, and played it for the first time today. I haven't made my mind up on it yet. I dislike having to do one mission after the other to get on - at present I am in level 2 and stuck in a vehicle graveyard fighting bandits, but really I just want to sneak around without getting in firefights all the time. Anyway, got to give it a fair go. It is not as 'atmospheric' (yet) as I have been led to believe by reviews, but early days, and it is still daytime - where does one go when it gets dark in SoC? In Fallout3 I have about four safe houses to run to. Haven't thought about STALKER mods yet.


Some of the games mentioned I am familiar with ( and thank you) but this ARMA is a new title to me so I shall look that one up - and yes indeedy KDS, I am waiting for New Vegas. :)

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