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Terrible Particulates


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Hey-o. Having an odd issue, wonder if anyone knows what it could be. I'm currently in the Shivering Isles, and all of a sudden, all the particle effects (Fire, spell swirls, and such) are chugging along at about an average of 1 frame every half or 1 second. It was fine yesterday. Doors and cabinets are also experiencing slowdown, but I and everyone and thing still move at normal speed. I didn't change any video options, at least not until this started and I changed some to try to fix it. Seriously, what the hell. Put well over 600 hours into the game, and never seen anything like it. Now, I've adjusted all graphical settings, un- and reinstalled the game, aaaaand I'm out of ideas. Hmm.


Oh, I guess I should give some tech info, too. Let's see. Windows 7, Six core Vishera-3.5 Ghz, 8 GB RAM, Nvidia GTX 550 TI... That's about all that matters, I suppose. The only mods I have are: Shivering Isles, Knights of the Nine( I know they're expansions, but they're still technically mods), Ohgma Infinium fix, and Quest awards Leveling, the last two of which I've run concurrently with the game for years, now.


And I'll point out that it did not do this right after I installed it, it was about 4 hours after I entered the Shivering Isles that it started. If it was just the fires and spell visuals, I could handle it, but those doors open SO SLOWLY, it drives me mad.

Edited by RayTheSodaGuy
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You are probably suffering from The A-Bomb bug. Happens on long hours games. Easily fixed with either Wrye Bash (found on the Saves tab context menu) or by using Animation Fixer (aka Oblivion Animation Fixer ... OAF).


If you also use OBSE you will need to rename a copy of the corresponding co-save to match the OAF fixed save. For example if you have a save named MySave004.ess and use OBSE you will have a co-save named MySave004.obse (also found with your saves in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion for Vista/Win 7 users ... Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion for XP users). OAF will name the fixed save OAF_MySave004.ess and you will need to rename a copy of MySave004.obse to match (name it OAF_MySave004.obse, just append OAF_ in the front).


No renaming co-saves is needed with Wrye Bash. Both solutions aren't permanent however. The A-Bomb bug slowly accumulates in your saves and periodically you'll need to run the fix again, but beyond that it causes no harm.

Edited by Striker879
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The chuckle made it all worthwhile. I'd tell you to go and sin no more my son, but I know you'll be back to OAF eventually so just have fun.


- Edit - And trust me, I know exactly how terrible it is when your particulates won't line up ... sheesh, and people thought ducks were bad.

Edited by Striker879
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