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Much smaller and compact missle louncher


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Okay, what I'd like to see it's a new missle loucher (from now on ml) with a new mesh (if it's pasibble)


The body is a combat shotgun without the big magazine. Now replace that magazine with something like this :




Widen the barell for the missles. And voila you have a genuine compact ml.

It would be good the see a retextured version, something like a matte black one, maybe army green, or a steel gray.

The stats would be roughly the same as a normal ml's. The clip would contain 5 missles. The rate of fire would be same too.

The Weathern armory would be a good place for this little guy. You know there are two ml on a table, replace them with this one, and include a bit more missles in the ammo crates under the table. Include a holotape with a short back story please.


Thanks ! :D


Best regards, bfg.

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