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What mods do you use to make a perfect skyrim?


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I too have been thinking of getting back into it, my problem however is that I'm having trouble finding it enjoyable in a sense that there's not so much to do, I tried before to download extra quests mods, including the something something going on a ship to a terror dragon controled haunted island with mercenaries lol, and sure it was great, but what's more? I do belive that Perkus maximus is a great and new way to experience skyrim because having a new and different skill tree changes up the experience quite a lot and is a big part of the game..


When I played the most I had over a hundred mods, and I'm not planning to have that many again, simply because it leads to bugs and infinite loading screens it seems.. and I want a bit more toned down clearer focus skyrim, that still looks good but without supersonic XX ENB presets that alters the depth of focus to 5 cm in front of your face.


Is it only me that have problems chosing a player home? I've tried a couple of different in Whiterun, because it's clearly the best town lol, and some are really greatly designed but I allways end up with super long loading screens when loading them and they often crash /: Any1 know what can be done to decerase loadingscreen times?

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It's not the amount of mods that break your game. Even my "Essentials Only" profile on Mod Manager is running 70+ mods. Game runs smooth as butter. It's more about making sure you install everything correctly and that you don't use mods that aren't compatible with each other.


To decrease loading screen duration, install your game on an SSD and have enough physical memory. Even with my most modded profile (About 170 mods), my average loading screens are about 1-4 seconds, depending on what zone I'm loading into.


Also, you might want to look into OneTweak and SKSE Memory Block settings. Most common cause to crashes and infinite loading screens is that your game runs out of memory in the first assigned memory block and fails to start filling the second one.


Gopher's Video on Memory Patch:



Also: Removing mods that include quests and/or scripts during a playthrough will also in most cases cause instability and performance loss.

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There are A ton, and I mean a ton of really good mods most people run anywhere between 100-150 some select few 200-300.


But If I could narrow it down to 2 mods, just two


Breezehome FullyUpgradable






Vilja in Skyrim




WHICH OMG JUST GOT UPDATED OMG! Sorry dude was gonna type more but I gotta get the update dueces!

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Hey hey people, again.

I have been messing around perkus maximus, requiem etc and wont get them working although I'm checking all the patches, load orders etc....
People who use quest,adventuring,new lands,overhauls mods could you post a detailed list which mods are you using so I can get into playing sometime? :D
Shameless copy catting I know but I just want to get playing.... Thank you for your efforts if you really are up to this.

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Hey hey people, again.


I have been messing around perkus maximus, requiem etc and wont get them working although I'm checking all the patches, load orders etc....

People who use quest,adventuring,new lands,overhauls mods could you post a detailed list which mods are you using so I can get into playing sometime? :D

Shameless copy catting I know but I just want to get playing.... Thank you for your efforts if you really are up to this.

The first thing you should do is get LOOT to organize your list, or get mod organizer to run specific profiles; and the click "sort". Then come back if you still get CTD's (footnote: Even I get CTD's in Skyrim it is normal to have a few unless playing pure vanilla + USKP. It doesn't mean your game is broken).

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Figured I might as well post my mod list here. These ones are tried and true, and have proved extremely stable. I also have a lot of texture replacers.


Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

Unofficial Dragonborn Patch


Amethyst Hollows

Climates of Tamriel

Fantasy Soundtrack Project

Unofficial High Resolution Patch

Amazing Follower Tweaks

Duel Combat Realism

Better Faralda

Realistic Ragdoll Force

Better Dynamic Snow

Immersive Armors

Real Roads

Realistic Lighting Overhaul


Deadly Dragons

Audio Overhaul for Skyrim


Interesting NPCs

Book Covers Skyrim

Book Covers Dawnguard

Book Covers Dragonborn

Warrior Within Weapons

Immersive Creatures

Guard Dialogue Overhaul

Immersive Weapons

Cloaks of Skyrim

New Dragon Species

Static Mesh Improvement Mod

Pure Waters

Skyrim Flora Overhaul

Dragon Combat Overhaul

Apocaplyse Spell Package

My Home is Your Home

Vortex of Time (currently under development)

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I have a lot of mods (probably not as many as some people, but the point remains), so this is just for the gameplay and how I set up my Skyrim world. I loved Skyrim before I used mods, but I wouldn't go back.


Skyrim Unbound (Alternate start mod. No quests, just location setting, equipment setting and dragons and dragonborn settings.)


Take Notes: Journal of the Dragonborn (Create your own journal)


Requiem (Make the game true to RPG roots. Level up little by little or die a horrible death!)


Frostfall (If enemies aren't enough, freeze to death)


Realistic Needs and Diseases (If that's not enough, die of thirst or diseases)


Death Alternative (Instead of dying you blackout and wake up in various situations. You can be imprisoned, left for dead, enslaved, etc.)


Basically with this Skyrim feels cold and unforgiving. With Skyrim Unbound, you spawn with no instruction, so with the Journal (assuming you don't mind doing a little writing) you craft who your character is.


My latest character started in Morthal, where I served my time in jail.


***I was about to start writing (I never start with an exact "I was in jail, because!..." but more dynamic. More like, "I thought freedom would save me. I thought that the fresh wind would be the key to life anew, but it feels bitter. If I once had a home, it is no more. I am lost with no where to call my own..." Something dramatic or that gives more of my character's personality than story. At least at first.)*** Not important unless you want to read.


... anyways, I was about to start writing for my new character and a dragon flies in out of nowhere and kills all of the guards (some of which were randomly naked). If you've ever played Requiem, you know why I wasn't going to fight this dragon at level 1. So I stole a guards clothes, crossbow, some bolts, a torch and a sword and ran like all hell. The dragon followed me for a while, which I had never seen before. In vanilla the dragons usually get bored even if I am attacking it with full strength. So, I made a plan. I would reach Solitude and hope for the best (very thought out). Unfortunately the way I went you would have to cross frigid waters to make it to Solitude so I doubled back and headed towards dragon bridge. Unfortunately, with the needs mod you lose carry weight when tired, so I had 40 carry weight in the middle of a dragon attack. I dropped the torch, some potions and the sword. Eventually, I made it to Dragon bridge and the dragon slaughtered all the guards again and even one guard at a local Stormcloak camp. Then I made it to Solitude where I swore it would leave me alone. It had to, right? Well, it didn't. It landed by Castle Dour where a frightened Captain (Aldis?) ran like a little girl and some random guards attacked. The dragon, to my surprise, went down fairly easily. I smiled victoriously even though all I did was run, but hey! That's how it goes.


That was the first thing that happened. After that, I went hunting to level up sneak and marksman. I even killed a wolf! Everything was going great until a thief walks towards me. I knew what he was going to do and I wasn't about to give up the 200 gold I had! I shot him in the chest and I knew the next bolt would kill him, but he was fast and he sprinted at me full speed. I just got the arrow in the notch at the right time and plunged the arrow in his skull while he was mid-swing... so his strike still landed. I went down, my crossbow torn apart. When I survived long enough, I stood back up, almost dead, no stamina in the freezing cold with no weapons, except the thief's iron dagger. Great. At this part, I was in the back of Solitude hold, down the mountain behind the Thalmor Embassy. Now, I don't remind if I walked a little while or not, but I found a cave and I also had enough firewood for a campfire. I was freezing so I was relying on spending my night in this cave. I even bought a tent, also. However, I forgot that I had no torch and I play Frostfall on Hardcore, so I had to light fires manually... Thus, there was going to be no fire today. But there were no worries as I saw a wolf chasing a rabbit in the cave... Just my luck. A wolf. It obviously ends up knocking me down and then reducing my bleedout bar to 0, so I blackout. First unofficial death. I wake up with brigands who want to steal my possessions and gold. I tell them they can have it, but they stole my clothes so I am going to freeze to death anyways. I slice one's back and instantly get chopped down and die.


I am now at a point where I have to either cheat or quit and start over. I will probably start over.

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