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crazy moments in Oblivion


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i've had some weird random stuff happen while playing Oblivion like i went up to go kill these goblins one time but they just ran off into a cave so i followed them and then i walked into a room where there was like 30 or so goblins just fighting each other so i just sat there and watched them for a while until they noticed me then all of them started attacking me all at once i had to run through the cave for a while before i could kill them all
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That did hurt to read a little.


I climbed onto a roof in the Imperial City and fired an arrow down into the crowd below, for some reason the blame was put on a random citizen with a weapon. A massive fight ensued down below and I was able to sit safely on the ledge watching the NPCs fight for my entertainment.


I have never been able to recreate this...

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I generally have a very high personality score, a remnant from playing Morrowind, and that makes the NPCs behave in a odd sort of way.


I've killed a guard in front of another guard and they come up and say 'You're in some trouble, but since we're friends I'll take care of it for you' and he removes my bounty.

Then I kill him (as you can guess my character's a bit evil) and another guard comes up and does the same thing. And so on...


Then sometimes a guard attacks me and the townsfolk start attacking him, as they are all my friends and if they don't witness the crime they fight the guards.


A really high personality score can be great fun sometimes.

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i had an arrow with frenzy, so i used the theives highway mod and climbed to the market roofs where i shoot the arrow during the time of the day when most npcs go there, and a major right broke out. then a mage casted a lightning spell, which sended a npc flying 50-60 feet into the air. best moment ever
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i had an arrow with frenzy, so i used the theives highway mod and climbed to the market roofs where i shoot the arrow during the time of the day when most npcs go there, and a major right broke out. then a mage casted a lightning spell, which sended a npc flying 50-60 feet into the air. best moment ever

That sounds absolutly epic. One time i killed a guy in the middle of a doorway and tried to shut the door, it squished him in the door he started vibrating rapidly and fused with the door. When I opened the door he shot off like a rocket down the hallway and smacked off the wall at the end and landed in a very inappropriate position as if he was attempting auto-fellatio. I laughed for an hour straight. I tried to do it again but it didnt work. :sad:

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haha something similar happened where i killed faelin at the tiber septim hotel in the door way, and his arm went through the door when i closed it. when i opened it i found out he was spasming (heart attak? lol)
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