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What's the worst/best thing you've done lately?


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Worst: Watched a kid sit outside waiting for his mom, after he tried the doors to a building that were locked. I didn't tell him the other doors worked :). < That is kinda evil isn't it? Now I feel bad for him....


Best: Found out Alonsomartinez plays Combat Arms when I found him in one of my games :D Rock on Alonso.

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Worst: Voiced several extremely unpopular opinions, and was treated like a madmen for it.


Bad: After being woken very early for a week by my neighbour's wife's renovation project, took revenge by tuning the fuel system on my newly bought Crysler Valiant V-8 at 8 in the morning. Not unusualy early up for me, but it was sweet revenge.


Good: Sold my bedford for a good price, bought an old '70s Valiant that I'm still coming to grips with, I'm not sure what model exactly, but it's gonna be a lot of fun to drive once I can get stuck into working on it.


Best: Being treated like a madman for my ideas and disagreement didnt shake my faith or conviction in the slightest.

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This thing is neither best nor worst just an interesting thing I did today.


In Physical Education in school today we've been doing dancing, our assignment task was to make up a dance and show it to the class in groups of four. I formed group with my friends and over the next week in class we practiced and refined our dance.


The class had had some problems getting together and today the teacher was pleased we finally had a period to do our dance, free of distractions. My group was first up and the whole dance went relatively smoothly (if awkwardly). We neared the grand finale in which the smallest of us would do a backflip (achieved by holding me and anothers hand whilst the other pushed his leg over the top of his head spinning him around very quickly). The only problem was that he hadn't worn shoes as he did when we practiced so when he made the landing he immediately slid smacking his head violently on the ground. The resulting bang was so loud and my friend lay so still I almost though he was dead. The teacher quickly rushed over and called the ambulance, telling us to wait with Josh.


That was all well and good except as we were waiting for the ambulance to come the bell sounded six times (the signal for a terrorist attack). We were in the gym and the whole class rushed upstairs and lay down on the ground, leaving Josh lying out in the open. The teachers had no idea how to deal with this and thus they allowed the ambulance people to simply walk in, collect Josh and walk out. Because of course there were no terrorists as we were in a small country school in the middle of rural Australia and it was all just a drill in case terrorists decide to try and attack an easier target...

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Best - Helped a friend deal with cancer


Worst - I try to avoid doing bad things, so I really don't know what would be cosidered my worst


So you are a good darkninja? :P

Update to my worst thing, the kid was waiting outside for an hour if that makes it seem bad.

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