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Less shiny HDR


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One of the things I hate about the HDR in Oblivion is that it makes your char look like a glowing angel in sunlight :P.


I heared you can change the [blurShaderHDRInterior] and [blurShaderHDR] parts in your ini but what exactly do I have to change so my char looks less shiny?

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Altering those variables will differ from one computer to the next, and also differ depending on other in-game graphic settings, not to mention any effect mods or replacement textures.


I use HDR, and I do not get any shininess whatsoever. The default Oblivion facegen characters are awful. My first priority when installing Oblivion is to install (first) Improved Facial Textures, then (the order is important) Facial Textures By Enayla, and then TNR All Races Final. I then install a body replacer mod of my choice -- my preference being Biu Adventuresss Body, but there are others. These minimal steps will improve your character's appearance beyond recognition.


You might also want to consider Oblivion Graphic Extender v2 if you use OBSE.

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