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Mesh problem


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I've just arrived in the ICMD and when I went to the statue outside the shops to the left after you go through the gates and I've got some big yellow splashes saying that some meshes are missing.


I haven't put any new mods on today, but I did reinstall Jade Dishes and downloaded and installed the Construction set, which I opened and made a small mod that removed some furniture from one of the house, but this didn't involve doing anything with meshes so I don't see how that could cause this problem.


Does anyone have any ideas what I should so about this?

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The first thing you need to do is determine which mod the missing meshes are coming from. Until you know that you're just shooting in the dark.


If you just installed two mods, did not have this problem before but now you do, it would be a pretty safe bet to say they are from one of thoes two mods :thumbsup:



You can Also use a wonderful utility called FormID Finder to help.


FormID Finder


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