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Problem with NPCs walking


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NPC's and Creatures in Oblivion use "Pathgrids" to tell them where it is OK for them to walk. Oblivion does not actually read the terrain to figure out where Actors can go. It does, however, read when something is in the way of their path, like a wall.


What is happening is the pathgrid from one of your yods says it's OK to go from A to B, but another mod has put something solid in the way.



You can try changing the order in which the mods are loaded. This might help; it might not.


Unless there is a patch put out between the mods that are conflicting, there is, unfortunately, no good way around this issue. The Author of Mod1 did not know what Mod2 was going to do, and so on.


Occasionally modders forget to edit these path grids, but more commonly there is just a conflict.


If you know how to use the CS, you can edit the pathgrids yourself. Otherwise, there is no possible way for all mods to be compatible with each other.

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Pathgrid problems, while always annoying, are seldom game breaking. If it is happening more than just occasionally here and there, then definitely try rearranging the way your mods load.



If you are unfamiliar with doing this, BOSS is a good place to start. It is probably a good idea anyway, aside from the problems you are having.


BOSS - Better Oblivion Sorting Software




After that, you will need something that keeps this updated, or allows you to change things easily. I use Wrye Bash for this, but most use OBMM as Wrye Bash has some pretty steep installation requirements (but WELL worth it in my opinion).


Wrye Bash



OBMM - Oblivion Mod Manager


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Sorry to bother I disable the oblivion script opt and the NPCs work fine, pretty good for having 96 mods installed and all working with only that one causing a problem, so far hehe


yeah I use boss after ever new mod install great tool! thanks guys for the help

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