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Just Purchased Oblivion; Any Mod Suggestions?


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I just got Oblivion during the Steam sale, and I am currently looking for mods that improves the graphics, changes those horrendous oblivion faces into acceptable avatars, something that removes the guards ability to automatically know if you're carrying any stolen goods, and maybe something that changes the leveling system and UI interface so it's a bit more like Skyrim. Call me shallow, but spending hours trying to adjust myself to a completely different Elder Scrolls title isn't my idea of fun. Please let me know where I can find any mods like this and how to download them. (preferably on Nexus, I have trust issues with mod sites other than Steam and Nexus.)

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Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 is the defacto standard for improving looks. I use Stolen Items Ownership for a reasonable compromise on the theft thing (nobody sees you it's not stolen ... expect for the limitation of stuff coming out of containers ... if you drop it on the ground and pick it up unseen it's stolen flag is cleared, but if you want something to sell to a fence you're golden as the stolen flag remains).

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