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Daggers In Oblivion


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every assassin should use the overarm stabbing motion bcause: there is a gland on the back of the neck directly above the collar bone, that, when punctured stops all motion in the brain

If the target's brain is moving, I think your job is already done.






I think he means all brain activity, as in breathing, moving, etc.



Theres is no gland there!!! in the neck all you have is te vertebrae, the thiroidea gland, the parathirodea gland, in some cases a bit of the thimus gland..and none of them when punctured stops brain activity... otherwise surgery to this glands would not be done, but it is.. quite often!...=)


what maybe you are try to refer is to the Medulae inside the Vertebrae..those long fibers of nervous tissue that transmit the nervous impulse from the brain(cortex, and other interior zones of the brain) to efective organs(muscles, glands, chemical receptors, stimuli receptors etc)..if the Medulae of the spinal column is puntured, or even damaged, from that place down there is a loss of function of the structures controled by the afected nervous plexes.. so by cuting the input and output of the brain you can make the body stop functioning(breathing, heart, movement, bladder, and anus) and because of this the brain itself who stops being sustained dying of isquemia(lack of sustenance, food, and oxigen)...


the same happens when you break the neck, or spinal column..it is the same system..although the cause can be diferent..


as for the dificulty of cuting the Medulae with a dagger...well you'd be surprised with the easyness of that happening...in the neck there is a point between the first vertebrae and the skull it self, where it is quite easy to stab and kill almost instantly...


and there is a place where everone is forgeting to stab...between the 3rd and 5th toraxic ribs...if you stab someone there, that person will die quickly and soundless, because the lungs get empty of air, and if there is no air in the lungs its impossible to speak, much less scream...



of course slithing throats is also efective, although a bit noisy and a bit sloppy

to much blood, and the sounds of the person having its blood going into the lungs.. it's not pretty...


and you question me, how i know this????

its quite simple, im a paramedic, i see this things all the time(way to many if you ask me), and i am a nurse, so i have plenty of anatomical, and phisiological knowledge to know about the things i stated before...



oh by the way...try stabbing someone in the stomach hoping they'll die quick...you will have a bad surprise...cuz normally this ppl tend to die after only 15/20 minuts only..giving them ample time to sound the alarm and kill you...because the stomach is a zone that doesnt kill instantly, many times ppl suffer for hours(with medical help) and end up dying in shock due to corrosion of the surronding tissue by the gastric acid, or do to unstoppable bloodloss... on the front a direct stab to the heart is the most effective way of killing.... in my7 years as a paramedic i never saw anyone survive a stab in the heart...the death is too quick for us to do anything much of the times...

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Right, as interesting as I am finding this discussion, this has gone pretty much off topic. Let's please focus on the original question which is:



Is there any situation where i would use a dagger over say a longsword in this game? I.e. do I deal extra damage with a dagger in sneak mode than i would then say if i had a longsword? If so, what is the modifier difference? Thanks!



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Right, as interesting as I am finding this discussion, this has gone pretty much off topic. Let's please focus on the original question which is:



Is there any situation where i would use a dagger over say a longsword in this game? I.e. do I deal extra damage with a dagger in sneak mode than i would then say if i had a longsword? If so, what is the modifier difference? Thanks!




Thanks Stampede, my thoughts exactly. Rofl, what started as an innocent game question has turned into an anatomy class - But I appreciate all the replies! I've learned so much. But anyone have an answer to my original question?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let's say that a dagger does 12 damage and takes one... microfortnight to strike, and a longsword does 18 damage, taking two microfortnights. You start off with a sneak attack, and then sum up the damage after two microfortnights:


Dagger: 71 damage, followed by 12 damage, for a total of 83 damage.

Longsword: 108 damage.


As you can see, sneak mode and critical hits give the longsword a decisive advantage -- not the other way around.

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It is possible to sneak attack twice against the same target. You just need an insanely high sneak score. 100 is enough for rats and low-level critters but you'll need one modded above 100 (items, mods whatever) to do it to more observant foes like daedra. Still the knock-back effect means only a long-blade can pull off two hits in quick succession. From my experience I've found daggers lack the range.
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