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I want these


A hooded jacket: the hood should be intractable.tired of hoods magically appearing on my head so add something to wear it up or down

an armor: its made of fur and its sleeveless. It shouldn't be bandit crafted. I mean it shouldn't be barely crafted out of different animal skins.

Some weapons too like daggers and a bow and arrows.

I don't have any dlcs just major mods like skse and sky ui


Dont abandon this post please idont know why its abandoned every time I post something

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you want a hooded jacket? how about you go into detail about what you want. also i dont think we can make the hood so it can be raised and lowered.


fur armor that isnt made with animal furs? i dont think they have fake fur in Skyrim but whatever, why dont you tell us what you want it to be


you want some daggers, there are tons out there good ones too. so how bout some preferences otherwise simply saying "look up daggers and knives on the Nexus" is a viable response.


for bows try this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32405/?


also all of the DLC was just on sale on steam for like a dollar each, you should have got them, it'll make modding easier. the winter sale is coming up i recommend you look into that.

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The Rogue Sorceress outfit has a cloak that's available in the hood up or hood down versions, so you can just wear whichever one you like.


Daggers are somewhat less represented on the Nexus than swords, I suppose, but as Qwerty said, there still are quite a few. I have a parrying dagger in the Secret Of The Silver Blades collection, and two tantos in the Weapons Of The Shogunate collection, plus a few shortswords that work more or less as sword/dagger hybrids. E.g., the ninjatos in WOTS, or the Greek blades in SOSB, or the rapier for that matter. Other modders have made even more of them.

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