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Looking for the best Vampire Overhaul


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Prob a hard one since everyone has there own opinion, Im looking for a system that allows a stronger with time/blood system. Cool powers and immersion as well. I have looked for something to add a real look to vampire chars like fangs and such but very little was found during research.


So from the major Overhauls what would you recommend and maybe a description of why u like it.


If there are any current post that cover this area, a link would be helpful

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If you do a Tag Search, you can put a checkmark beside "Related to Vampires" under the ATTRIBUTES section to see a list of all mods that have been tagged with it...which will show you 18 pages of vampire-related mods. :thumbsup:


I cannot remember which mod it is but there is one that allows you to grow stronger over time and with more blood consumption.




EDIT: just from looking at some descriptions, these may be of interest to you:


LTD-Vampire Overhaul

Kiyoshis New Vampires

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