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BSA Blues


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So I have it at C:\ProgramFiles\BethesdaSoftworks\Oblivion\Data\textures\menus80\icons\armor\daedricbracers\bracers.dds but I still get the invalid directory message.


Just so that I get this straight, are you getting this error when adding a menu icon in the construction set? If so, icons default to \menus\icons\ and not \menus80\icons\ .

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Bingo! Thank you so much Hickory that's sorted it.

I was getting confused by the one in the BSA having a different filepath. You have opened up the way to a whole array of little mods I've been itching to do myself for a while now. MODSPLOSION!

Cheers. Jim

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Bingo! Thank you so much Hickory that's sorted it.

I was getting confused by the one in the BSA having a different filepath. You have opened up the way to a whole array of little mods I've been itching to do myself for a while now. MODSPLOSION!

Cheers. Jim


You're welcome. Just so you are aware: the textures.bsa has at least two versions of many icons (if not all), that one included. The menus80 icons are for lower resolutions. The '80' means it's 80% of normal size; menus75 means 75% size; menus50 means 50% size.

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