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Quantum blue without HDR


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I suppose it would if you had a fairly weak video card. Even with my old video card (HD 2600 XT) I couldn't notice a performance difference between HDR off and on. Heck, even on my laptop, I can't tell the difference. It's just personal preference.


I think I have a screenie or two showing the in-game graphical difference. Here's the reason I hate HDR: http://webbstuff.net/evilneko/HDR-1.jpg http://webbstuff.net/evilneko/HDR-2.jpg See that glare? Caused by HDR. Turn it off, and you don't get it. Not the same place, but here's a shot of Talia, wearing the same outfit as in the second image, this time without HDR: http://webbstuff.net/evilneko/talia-seifuku-cropped.jpg Notice the distinct lack of glare.


After searching through my archives of screenshots, I finally found a close comparison set: hula dolls, hdr ON versus hula dolls, hdr off. Now, this screenshot was made on Mothership Zeta, where I pretty much had to turn on HDR to get sufficient lighting in a lot of places, but even if it's not the best comparison, it's still a fair representation of the difference.


And of course, the fallout wikia page has a side-by-side comparison of Nuka Quantum with and without HDR.

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Oddly enough, it seems to be mainly Fallout 3's implementation of HDR (or perhaps Gamebryo in general, we'll see with New Vegas). I actually have HDR turned on in Saints Row 2, and don't mind it at all.

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