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Blockhead, OCO and crash issues.


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Hey there, i'm new to using mods and having some trouble with a blockhead error, "Install blockhead" is written on the face of most races. I've done a complete uninstall twice and have tried using both wyre bash and OMM. Additionally i have been getting a message saying "this save relies on content no longer present" or something like that and the game crashes after leaving a house and walking around outside, I'm hoping i just backed up my saves wrong. I ended up just deleting my saves and back ups since i had only just got out of the prison.
Finally, i ran the 1.2.0416 patch but it wound up saying my version was 1.2.0415, the script extender seems to be working fine on this version though.
I've started a fresh install with no SI or patches at the moment. I thought i'd ask for some guidance on here before i continue.
So do you guys have any tips on what order i should install things and how to fix this blockhead issue?

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If you intend to ever do Shivering Isles on this installation you must install it before you use any of the official patches. Are you using one of the disk versions of the game (e.g. Game of the Year) or one of the digital download versions of the game (e.g. Steam or GameStop)?


Correct order of installation is base game then SI (which should patch you up to version 1.2.0416 if it's the GotY edition). If your game isn't showing version 1.2.0416 then install the correct official patch for your language (note that for non-SI there are two different "English" versions, but only a single SI English version, intended for pre-GotY SI installations). Next is Oblivion Script Extender version 0021 and after that run OBSE Tester to confirm that OBSE is working (it will report your OBSE version if it's working). Then install Blockhead and start game. If Blockhead is working you will see it has created Blockhead.ini in the Data\OBSE\Plugins folder.


Next install HGEC or Roberts Female and Roberts Male bodies if you intend to use body replacers (recommended if you are interested in adding any armors/clothes to the game ... not many have been developed for the vanilla game bodies and the HGEC and Roberts textures aren't compatible with the vanilla bodies). Then install OCO v2 and if you decided to use a body replacer add the appropriate OCO texture patch.

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