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Animated SIgnatures Request Thread


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From the terms of service: (Site rules)


Members have the ability to customise their profiles on Nexus sites making them more noticeable and unique. Two of the main identifiable attributes of a member profile are the avatar and signature that display with every post on the forums. Nexus sites have strict guidelines for member avatars and signatures to help reduce page scrolling and load times, these are:


  • Avatar pics must only be 65x65 pixels or less in size and the types of files that can be uploaded are GIF, JPEG, JPG and PNG. If they are animated, they can only be minor and below 30kb in size.
  • Signatures can only be 450w x 300h pixels or less in size. This includes both text and pictures. For text, thats about 8 lines max. The maximum file size for images is 110kb that doesn't leave much space for animation.

The reason for these limits is it takes a long time for those pics to load. So if there are several oversized sigs on a page it tends to bog things down. Especially for those members with a slow internet speed.


Bben46, Moderator

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