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Robets Female Body issue

Guest deleted1946768

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Guest deleted1946768

I think I might be doing something wrong somewhere but every time I try to install Roberts female body, nothing seems to change. I keep trying to install the nude version but every time I start up Oblivion im still stuck with the default clothed bodys.


As far as I can tell you have to move the files from:








Or is this wrong?

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That is correct, but you also have to ensure that you have copied the entire textures over, too. If you extract the archive to a temporary place (desktop will do for now), then drag the 'Data' foler into your \Oblivion\ folder. Then you can replace the mesh.
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Guest deleted1946768
Well heck, as far as I can tell, thats what I've done each time and it hasn't worked yet. Would the fact I use the Steam version be a problem?
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I'm not personally familiar with Steam, but my guess is that you need to let the game know that the graphical changes have taken place. The absolute best way to do this is with a Bashed Patch from Wrye Bash .
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