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Mature Fusion Mod


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Could we merge most of the really great mods together to form a Mature Fusion Mod?


I guess this be a good forum thread to start but I was thinking for basics.


The best looking models, best quests, coolest weapons,


As well as the small things like


Being able to kill children


Being able to bone Amata




If you think this sounds like a good start feel free to add.

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Just to be clear I'm not suggesting exactly a " new " mod but rather cherry picking the best existing mods to bundle together into a new single mod. So for folks new to fallout 3 or don't want to take the time to browse through all the mods can just install a single mod that shows off this mod scenes cream of the crop. Like an unofficial nexus expansion pack for fallout 3.
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Its been debated alot if someone should upload a bundle of good mods to make it easier for others to find the good forgotten gems of mods, but its always been a strict "No" from the moderators. Isn't it in the rules aswell that you shouldn't upload bundles like that?


EDIT; Nadin; I think he's proposing creating a new overhaul containing alot of good-but-not-good-enough-to-be-on-top-100 mods. Theres been many a times I've accidentally stumbled over an awesomely simple mod that seem to have been forgotten by time.

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Maybe an overhaul. I notice some mods may have conflicting files where as others work better after you install a separate mod before hand and each changes the game in different ways. Like the old " make sure to install this other mod first "


I figured long as the original contributors were credit it be good.

I think there are some mods most everyone has installed just because it's great but have had them buried in the folder so long its hard to remember where it originally came from or how exactly it improves the game. I wanted to stick with things that expanded under the fallout series cannon along with a few community standard performance tweeks.


If you've tried every mod ever made for fallout and remember exactly what each does, and know the order which they each need to be installed then you would probably hate this idea because it be pointless for you.


I just think it be easier for newbs and me to add one mod that showed off lots of cool ways people have expanded the base game to make the wasteland a more interesting badass place. Without having to sift through a seemingly endless number of indi mods. New Vegas will be out soon many people that moded fallout 3 will move onto modding New Vegas but on the upside it will no doubt get new players interested in fallout 3 only to run into the massive database left behind.



And what better place to get community feedback than the very forum where the mods are showcased.


Thank you for considering my idea.

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Maybe an overhaul. I notice some mods may have conflicting files where as others work better after you install a separate mod before hand and each changes the game in different ways. Like the old " make sure to install this other mod first "


I figured long as the original contributors were credit it be good.

I think there are some mods most everyone has installed just because it's great but have had them buried in the folder so long its hard to remember where it originally came from or how exactly it improves the game. I wanted to stick with things that expanded under the fallout series cannon along with a few community standard performance tweeks.


If you've tried every mod ever made for fallout and remember exactly what each does, and know the order which they each need to be installed then you would probably hate this idea because it be pointless for you.


I just think it be easier for newbs and me to add one mod that showed off lots of cool ways people have expanded the base game to make the wasteland a more interesting badass place. Without having to sift through a seemingly endless number of indi mods. New Vegas will be out soon many people that moded fallout 3 will move onto modding New Vegas but on the upside it will no doubt get new players interested in fallout 3 only to run into the massive database left behind.



And what better place to get community feedback than the very forum where the mods are showcased.


Thank you for considering my idea.

They'd BETTER keep on with fallout 3. Or else.

I'm not fecking kidding. I've been developing a mod for 18 months, just to make impressive enough that modder's will pay attention and give me some help so I can make the real stuff. If I release it and everyone is busy ogling vegas....

I'm hoping that the modding community is bored with it by christmas. Or, if it runs on the same engine (Allowing old user-generated models to be ported) and they release a GECK, maybe I can start over.


But I know what you mean with the small, easily forgotten mods. Did you know there's a mod that allows you to assassinate people using special animations, Assassin's creed--style?

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