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Static Skyrim: Delevelled player amongst delevelled NPCs


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Vanilla = levelling player and levelling NPCs


Certain overhaul mods = levelling player and delevelled NPCs


Requested mod = static player amongst static NPCs = Static Skyrim



The idea of Static Skyrim is to introduce a game which rewards character progress through the game but will also prevent the start-game from being too hard or the end game from being too easy.


  • The player can still progress in terms of finding loot and gaining perks, but does not level. Equipment can provide increased damage output and resistance. Perks can provide specialisms and "options". These combined are enough to effectively level the player in a dynamic way, rather than the traditional powerful way.
  • The NPC levels can be much closer together. So without decent equipment or perks the easy enemies are somewhat challenging. But with better equipment and perks the player should have the resources to take on tougher enemies. However, because the difference between higher level enemies and lower level enemies is a lot smaller in this requested mod there will always be some challenge with whatever enemy the player faces.


"Just because you can slay dragons doesn't mean you can ignore a wolf's bite."

Edited by rjacko10
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